
Parametric Templates

Six Parametric templates exist providing a starter set of sensitivity studies and are as follows:
1.       Weather Files
2.       Heating System Performance
3.       Cooling Comfort Option
4.       Humidity Control
5.       DHW Performance
6.       Solar Panel DHW (Solar Heating System)
Tutorial Model
The selected tutorial model is a generic multi-storey office building compromised of open plan offices, meeting rooms, circulation and toilets.
Utilising the Templates
The process of utilising the templates involves first the use of Elements to create the parameters (model inputs) and variables (model outputs) that must be imported into Parametric for the sensitivity study. The templates can be utilised by adhering to the following steps.
Opening Templates and Undertaking a Sensitivity Analysis Study
Start with selecting target APR file of the model under analysis.
Once selected, click on ‘Open Project’ and select the preferred template of the study.
The template file is in a .batch format.
After selecting the template, the pre-set sensitivity analysis study will be produced.
Within the Parametric tool, the user can edit the simulation settings such as the lower and upper bounds, number of simulations, steps and will have the option to group the parameters.
The Sensitivity Analysis Study can be initiated by clicking on the Start button.
The description of the output of each of the six templates will be illustrated in the following section.
Template 1 - Weather Files
Template 2 - Heating System Performance
Template 3 - Cooling Comfort Option
Template 4 - Humidity Control
Template 5 - DHW Performance
Template 6 – Solar DHW Performance