

What is Space Data?
In the Apache view each space has a set of attributes that describe conditions in the space. This data, known as Space Data, provides input to the thermal analysis programs.
In the Apache view Space Data is displayed on five tabs, which correspond to the tabs in the Space Template data:
·       General – Space name and ID, Templates, floor area and volume data, comfort parameters
·       Space conditions – heating and cooling set points and space thermal modelling settings
·       System – parameters describing the system serving the space
·       Internal Gains – Specification of internal gains to the space
·       Air Exchange – Specification of infiltration, natural ventilation and auxiliary ventilation
Viewing and editing Space Data for a single space
To view or edit Space Data for a single space, first select the space using the model workspace or model browse r(first ensuring that Display Mode on the model toolbar is set to Model). Click on the Query tool button on the Edit toolbar or select Query from the Edit menu. The Space Data dialog then opens.
The Space data dialog contains the same fields as the Space Thermal Template tab in the Template Manager (see the Template Manager User Guide for further information on this facility).
The set of fields displayed in Space Data depends on the sub-type of the space (Room, Void, RA Plenum or SA plenum).
Space Data is set by default from the Space Thermal Template currently assigned to the space. Check boxes next to the data items (marked ‘Template’) enable you to override these settings.
If an attribute in a template is changed in the Template Manager the attributes for spaces using that template will also change, unless they have been explicitly overridden.
If a template is reassigned to a space, it nullifies any exceptions made to the settings from the previous template.
The Space data dialog is split into tabbed sections, as follows.


Space data dialog - General tab
Space Name
The name given to the space in ModelIT
General Template
The Space General Templates assigned to the space
Thermal Template
The Space Thermal Templates assigned to the space
Space ID
The ID assigned to the space in ModelIT (information only)
Volume (m3)
The calculated volume of the space (information only)
Area (m2)
The calculated floor area of the space, used for the calculation of internal gains (information only). Floor area is calculated as the sum of the areas of all opaque floor elements. It excludes the areas of any holes or glazing elements in the floor.
Include in building floor area?
Set if this space contributes to the building floor area. Uncheck if it should not.
Lettable Area (%)
The percentage of the floor area that is lettable
Circulation Area (%)
The percentage of the floor area that is classed as circulation