

ApLocate is the weather and site location editor for these programs:
·       CIBSE Heat Loss & Heat Gains (ApacheCalc)
·       ASHRAE Heat Balance Method (ApacheLoads)
·       ApacheSim
·       SunCast
·       Radiance
It is possible to choose a location from an extensive database and guidance is given on defining weather data for various locations.
Normally ApLocate is called from within the <Virtual Environment> by clicking the ApLocate icon. Default site and weather data will be set up when a new model is started. To edit these defaults, create new data or change location you must use ApLocate. It is advisable to edit project specific data as soon as the information becomes available. If you begin using the <Virtual Environment> when project data is unknown you may create it at a later date.
There are four tabs on the ApLocate dialog:
·       Location & Site Data
·       Design Weather Data
·       Simulation Weather Data
·       Simulation Calendar
ApLocate also has a selection wizard that assists the user in populating the first three tabs.