

1. Climate Classes
The Ashrae 90.1 climate classes are based around the Koeppen-Geiger classification system, but provide better definition in temperate and maritime zones. See also Koeppen Geiger and Kottek, Greiser,Beck, Rudolf and Rubel.
Both the climate zone defined by ASHRAE and the climate zone calculated from the assigned weather data are displayed.
The analysis in this report is based on the calculated climate zone.
2. Temperature
Note the coincidence of wet or dry seasons and warm or cold seasons e.g. Wet summers, dry summers, wet winters etc
3. Diurnal temperature swing
A good diurnal swing (monthly mean of the daily swing) during the warmest months indicates the potential for passive night time cooling and the use of thermal mass
4. Moisture and Humidity
Moisture content the nominal comfort range is 0.004-0.012 kg/kg.
If moisture content is 0.020 kg/kg or above either all year or in summertime it is an issue.
High humidity high temp. cause comfort stress.
5. Wind
Wind speeds:
·        less than 1.5 ms light and calm
·        1.5-8 ms breeze
·        8-14 ms strong breeze
·        greater than 14 ms gale and above
6. Precipitation
Typically what does annual rainfall mean:
·        Wet 1700mm
·        Temperate 500 to 1500mm
·        Dry 300mm
·        Desert 100mm
7. Solar Energy
Globally what is the range?
               a. 150 to 450
               b. 2000 to 6500
               c. 800 to 2200
               d. 1.5 to 8
8. Degree Days
Globally what is the range?
·        HDD 0 to 8000
·        CDD 0 to 6500