
Model Viewer II

Input Data Visualisation
Data assigned to your model can now be visualised as part of the new ‘Input Data Visualisation’ feature in Model Viewer II.  The feature allows you to view an assortment of construction variables.  A full list of currently viewable data is below.
The feature can be accessed through the  button on the Title24 toolbar .
To use the feature you must first select at least one room.  The button will then be enabled and upon pressing it you will be presented with the dialog below.
Selecting the variable you want to display and then clicking Apply will launch or update Model Viewer II with your selection.
If you can’t find the variable you’re looking for in the list you can apply a text filter to reduce the number of items shown.  This filter applies, regardless of whether you change category or not, until you clear it by clicking on the X button.
Note: Colouring only applies to selected rooms and if the data is available for those rooms.  Any rooms not selected or without the specified data will show up white.
Important: When viewing results in Model Viewer II, please be aware that turning shadows on will apply lighting/shading to the model and therefore affect the false colours shown.  This means you may not be able to match up the surface colours with the legend colours accurately.
Variable Types
Variables are split into two different types for display.  These are detailed below.
Each input is a string value represented by an item on a colour key.
The colours are generated by choosing equidistant points on a colour wheel.  Up to 12 different colours are used before a shading pattern is applied.  The order in which colours and patterns are applied can be changed to suit your needs.  See section 1.4.8 below.
Each input is a numerical value represented on a colour scale.
The colour of each input is determined by the ‘False Colours’ and ‘Gradient Scale’ options applied.  An example of the UI can be seen above.
Data List
Below is a list of all the variables currently available for display.
Each variable has its type displayed beside it as follows.
Important: Any variables that can have multiple values will be combined into one item.  Numeric values will be summated, and discrete values will be shown as ‘Multiple <Item>s’.
The construction name and id of all constructions in use.
Construction U-value
The U-value as calculated by the user selected method of all constructions in use.
Calculation methods: EN-ISO / CIBSE / ASHRAE.
Construction Net R-value
The total thermal resistance as calculated by the user selected method of all constructions in use.
Calculation methods: EN-ISO / CIBSE / ASHRAE.
Construction Total R-value
The total resistance of all layers of all constructions in use (does not include inside and outside surface resistances).
Construction Outside Surface Emissivity
The emissivity of the outside surface of all constructions in use.
Construction Inside Surface Emissivity
The emissivity of the inside surface of all constructions in use.
Construction Outside Surface Resistance
The thermal resistance between the outside of a surface and its environment for all constructions in use.
Construction Inside Surface Resistance
The thermal resistance between the inside of a surface and its environment for all constructions in use.
Opaque Construction
The construction name and id of all opaque constructions in use.
Opaque U-value
The U-value as calculated by the user selected method of all opaque constructions in use.
Calculation methods: EN-ISO / CIBSE / ASHRAE.
Opaque Net R-value
The total thermal resistance as calculated by the user selected method of all opaque constructions in use.
Calculation methods: EN-ISO / CIBSE / ASHRAE.
Opaque Total R-value
The total resistance of all layers of all opaque constructions in use (does not include inside and outside surface resistances).
Opaque Thermal mass Cm
The thermal capacity per unit area and temperature rise of all opaque constructions in use.
Opaque Thermal mass class
The weight category describing the Thermal mass Cm of all opaque constructions in use.
Opaque Is Ground contact floor?
Whether or not the construction is marked as a ground-contact floor.
Opaque Is Ground contact wall?
Whether or not the construction is marked as a ground-contact wall.
Opaque Is Green roof?
Whether or not the construction is marked as a green roof.
Opaque Thickness
The thickness of all opaque constructions in use calculated as the sum of the layer thicknesses.
Opaque Mass
The area density of all opaque constructions in use as calculated from the densities and thicknesses of the construction layers.
Opaque Outside Surface Emissivity
The emissivity of the outside surface of all opaque constructions in use.
Opaque Inside Surface Emissivity
The emissivity of the outside surface of all opaque constructions in use.
Opaque Outside Surface Resistance
The thermal resistance between the outside of a surface and its environment for all opaque constructions in use.
Opaque Inside Surface Resistance
The thermal resistance between the inside of a surface and its environment for all opaque constructions in use.
Opaque Outside Surface Solar Absorptance
The fraction of incident solar radiation absorbed by the outside of a surface for all opaque constructions in use.
Opaque Inside Surface Solar Absorptance
The fraction of incident solar radiation absorbed by the inside of a surface for all opaque constructions in use.
Opaque Outside Surface Visible Light Reflectance
The reflectance of visible light by the outside of a surface for all opaque constructions in use.
Opaque Inside Surface Visible Light Reflectance
The reflectance of visible light by the inside of a surface for all opaque constructions in use.
Glazed Construction
The construction name and id of all glazed constructions in use.
Glazed U-value
The U-value as calculated by the user selected method of all glazed constructions in use.
Calculation methods: EN-ISO / CIBSE / ASHRAE.
Glazed Glass U-value
The Glass only U-value as calculated by the user selected method of all glazed constructions in use.
Calculation methods: EN-ISO / CIBSE / ASHRAE.
Glazed Frame U-value
The Frame only U-value as calculated by the user selected method of all glazed constructions in use.
Calculation methods: EN-ISO / CIBSE / ASHRAE.
Glazed Net R-value
The total thermal resistance as calculated by the user selected method of all glazed constructions in use.
Calculation methods: EN-ISO / CIBSE / ASHRAE.
Glazed Total R-value
The total resistance of all layers of all glazed constructions in use (does not include inside and outside surface resistances).
Glazed g-value
The solar transmittance value of all glazed constructions in use.
Glazed Shading Coefficient
The ratio of the instantaneous heat gain at normal incidence transmitted by a particular glass/blind combination to that transmitted by a reference glass.
Glazed Transmittance
The transmittance value of the window for solar radiation at normal incidence for all glazed constructions in use.
Glazed Shading Devices
The local, internal and external shading devices attached to all glazed constructions.
Glazed Is Electrochromic?
Whether or not the glazed construction contains an Electrochromic layer.
Glazed Electrochromic Profile
The modulating profile which determines when the electrochromic glazing is active.
Glazed Frame Percentage
The material percentage of the glazing element taken up by the frame.
Glazed Frame Absorptance
The ratio of the amount of radiation absorbed by a surface to the amount of radiation incident upon it.
Glazed Frame Resistance
The thermal resistance of the frame.
Glazed Frame Outside Surface Area Ratio
The outside surface area ratio of this frame. This is the material percentage of the outside surface taken up by the frame.
Glazed Frame Inside Surface Area Ratio
The inside surface area ratio of this frame. This is the material percentage of the inside surface taken up by the frame.
Glazed Frame Type
The type of frame material used in UK Part L compliance testing.
Glazed Outside Surface Emissivity
The emissivity of the outside surface of all glazed constructions in use.
Glazed Inside Surface Emissivity
The emissivity of the outside surface of all glazed constructions in use.
Glazed Outside Surface Resistance
The thermal resistance between the outside of a surface and its environment for all glazed constructions in use.
Glazed Inside Surface Resistance
The thermal resistance between the inside of a surface and its environment for all glazed constructions in use.
Depending on the type of variable you have selected, there are various options for you to choose from to alter what is seen in Model Viewer II.
Display Units
What units to display the variable in.
This may be a selection of units that you can choose from, fixed units, or not applicable (N/A).
Note: Applies to Continuous variables only.
False Colours
Allows you to select what false colour scale to apply to the model.
Infrared Standard
Infrared Cold
Infrared Warm
Infrared Hot
Spectrum Full
Spectrum Part
Spectrum Cold
Spectrum Mid
Spectrum Warm
Spectrum Hot
Mono Brown
Mono Sepia
Mono Blue
There are 13 colour scales in the list to choose from as standard.  You can add to this list by creating your own colour scales.  These should be in bitmap image format (.bmp; 24bit; 512x1px), and added to the <VE>’s Shared Content directory under the ‘Texture/GradientMaps’ folder.
Note: Applies to Continuous variables only.
Gradient Scale
What scale to use when converting the numeric values into the colours applied on the model.
The three options are as follows:
Relative      [min..max]         ( value − minimum ) ÷ ( maximum − minimum )
Absolute    [0..max]              ( value ÷ maximum )
Manual*    [min..max]         ( value − minimum ) ÷ ( maximum − minimum )
If you select Manual scaling, then anything outside the specified range with show up white.
Note: Applies to Continuous variables only.
* - user defined scale
Surface Type
Allows you to filter surface variables by type to reduce the number of items displayed.
The options include: All / Internal / External; Floors, Ceilings/Roofs, Walls.
Opening Type
Allows you to filter opening variables by type to reduce the number of items displayed.
The options include: All / Internal / External; Windows, Doors, Holes.
Make Windows Opaque
Allows you to make windows solid (i.e. opaque) in case the variable you have selected applies to glazing.
Any variables which apply at opening level will show this option as ‘recommended’.
Enable Room Labels
Allows you to quickly toggle the display of Room Names in the viewer on or off.
It provides direct access to the ‘Toggle Display Options > Room Names’ feature in Model Viewer II.
Shading Colours & Patterns
Allows you to define the order (from top to bottom) in which shading colours and patterns are applied to your variable.
Each item is assigned a new colour from the list, and after every 12 items displayed, the colours start again and the next pattern in the list is used.
Note: Applies to Discrete variables only.
The position and text colour of the legend can be changed if needed.
It can be placed in one of four positions: top left (default), bottom left, top right and bottom right.
Any colour can be chosen for the text; the default is black.