
Model Browser

Object list
The space list display all the geometrical objects in the model, grouped according to the currently selected grouping scheme. Spaces and space groups can be selected from this list.
Here the space list is displaying all space groups within the ‘Floors’ grouping scheme:
Space list context menu
Right-clicking on a space, selection of spaces or space group displays the space list context menu.
This allows you to rename a space and change the space type or sub-type:
The spaces can be sorted by various criteria:
The ‘Advanced’ option allows spaces to be ordered by combinations of critera applied in sequence:
Allows you to select space groups across grouping schemes.
- All spaces in all chosen groups
- Only spaces common to the chosen groups
Go To Space
This allows a space to be selected and highlighed by entering its reference ID.
This feature is useful when identifying spaces referenced by ID in error messages.
Display Space ID
This option toggles the display of space names and IDs in the browser.
Display name
Display ID
This feature allows you to identify a string pattern within the model spaces and either replace it with another string or add text before or after it. It also has the ability to add space numbering.
Allows you to delete individual spaces or spaces belonging to a space group.