
Menu & Building Element Data

Menu items in ApLocate provide the following options:
File Menu
Save: Saves the design weather data as a *.wea file
Exit: Exits ApLocate
Options Menu
Graph: Launches the design day graphs dialog
SunPath: Launches SunPath (see section 6)
Remove from custom database: Option to remove any pre-saved custom databases
Help Menu
Contents: Launches the Help menu
About: Program description and information about IES
Toolbar Buttons
 - Save:  Saves the design weather data as a *.wea file
 - Print: Prints a synopsis of the design weather data
 - Graph:  Launches the design day graphs dialog
 - SunPath: Launches SunPath
 - Exit: Exits ApLocate
 - Help: Launches the Help menu
What are building elements?
A building element (often shortened to element) is a component of the building such as a wall, ceiling, floor or window. For convenience, building elements are divided into categories such as ‘External wall’, ‘Internal glazing’, etc. Where a space surface has multiple adjacencies, each adjacency is treated as a separate building element.
Two kinds of data need to be set for building elements in the Apache view: construction data describing the element’s thermal properties, and adjacency data describing its thermal boundary conditions. Construction data needs to be set for all elements. Adjacency data is set automatically as a function of building geometry, and need only be edited in special circumstances.