
Luminaire Positions

Details for each luminaire position should be entered on a separate line. Regular arrays can be created using the Repeat Luminaire option.
For each luminaire it is assumed that the luminaire is pointed in the preferred direction first and then rotated, if required.
Lighting-Equipment References and Positions
For a complete specification of the lighting equipment to be used, you must enter the luminaire, lamp and lamp-colour references. These can only be assessed if they exist in the luminaire or lamp databases; it is also necessary that the lamp reference exists as a valid lamp for the luminaire and that the colour reference exists as a valid colour for the lamp. You must also enter the luminaire and beam positions.
In general, the above data is defaulted to the values for the previous luminaire and lamp selected.
Luminaire Reference
The luminaire reference may have up to 8 characters and should correspond to a reference in the database. The program checks the system database to see if the reference exists. If it does not, then you will be warned at the input stage. Luminaires can be reviewed by selecting the Review Database option from the top menu.
Lamp Reference
The lamp reference may be up to 6 characters in length and should correspond to a reference in the database. The program checks both your own database and the system database to see if the reference exists. If it does not then you will be warned at the input stage. Lamps can be reviewed by selecting the Review Database option from the top menu.
Colour Reference
The colour reference may be up to 4 characters long and should exist as a valid colour for the lamp given in the previous column. If it does not exist you will be warned at the input stage. You can list all the valid colours by selecting the Review Database option from the top menu.
It is also possible to select OFF as a colour, which has the effect of switching off the lamp.
Luminaire X-Position
Units:                           m
Warning Limits:           0.0 to L
Error Limits:                 -10.0 to L+10
The X-position defines the position of the centre of the luminaire in the length direction, as measured from wall 2. The warning and error limits depend upon the length of the room.
Luminaire Y-Position
Units:                           m
Warning Limits:           0.0 to W
Error Limits:                 -10.0 to W+10
The Y-position defines the position of the centre of the luminaire in the width direction, as measured from wall 1. The warning and error limits depend upon the length of the room.
Luminaire Z-Position
Units:                           m
Warning Limits:           1.0 to HT
Error Limits:                 0.0 to HT
The Z-position defines the height of the centre of the luminaire as measured from the floor. The default value is the height of the room.
Beam X-Position
Units:                           m
Default:                        X
Warning Limits:           0.0 to L
Error Limits:                 -10.0 to L+10
The X-position defines the centre of the beam in the length direction, as measured from wall 2. The default value is the luminaire X-position.
Beam Y-Position
Units:                           m
Default:                        Y
Warning Limits:           0.0 to W
Error Limits:                 -10.0 to W+10
The Y-position defines the centre of the beam in the width direction, as measured from wall 1. The default value is the luminaire Y-position.
Beam Z-Position
Units:                           m
Default:                        0.0
Warning Limits:           0.0 to HT
Error Limits:                 0.0 to HT
The Z-position defines the height of the centre of the beam, as measured from the floor. The default is floor level (0.0).
Rotation Angle
Units:                           degrees
Default:                        0
Warning Limits:           0 to 359
Error Limits:                 0 to 359
The rotation angle is measured in degrees in the anticlockwise direction. A zero rotation means a linear fitting is parallel to the length of the room or area. It is assumed that the luminaire is pointed in the appropriate direction before it is rotated. See Fig.3 below.
Figure 3 Plane angles
Luminaire-Maintenance Factor
Default:                        0.9
Warning Limits:           0.60 to 0.95
Error Limits:                 0.01 to 1.00
The lumen output from a luminaire decreases with time because of dirt deposition on and in the luminaire. The luminaire-maintenance factor quantifies this decline, being a proportion of the initial light output from the luminaire that occurs after a set time, allowance having been made for the decline in light output from the lamp.
Typical luminaire-maintenance factors are shown in Appendix A, Table 4, and in the CIBSE Code for Interior Lighting, 1994, Table 4.6.
Lamp-Replacement Period
Units:                           hours
Default:                        5000
Warning Limits:           0.60 to 15000
Error Limits:                 0.01 to 30000
This category is used to assess the depreciation in light output from the lamp over a given time. This has a two-fold functionality: If a value of less than 1.0 is input, the program will interpret this as the actual lamp-lumen maintenance factor. Values of greater than 1.0 will be used as a lamp-replacement period when looking up the LLMF curves (determined by lamp type).
Grouping Number
Default:                        1
Warning Limits:           1 to 9
Error Limits:                 1 to 9
The luminaire group number is used in energy-savings calculations to specify which luminaires are grouped together and how they are controlled. The default is 1, which means that the luminaires are all in the same control group.
Repeat Luminaire Option
The program allows the user to enter symmetrical layouts by selecting the Repeat Luminaire option from the EDIT menu. The program will prompt you for the number of fittings in the length and width, as well as the spacing in the length and width. In order to use this option you must have already entered one luminaire position; the program will then calculate the other positions based upon the luminaire position selected by moving the cursor onto the relevant line.
The program will inform you if there is sufficient memory to add extra luminaires before it makes the copies. The program will also check that the copied positions are within the room.
X-Direction - Number of Columns
Warning Limits:           1 to 50
Error Limits:                 1 to available
Enter the number of luminaires of the same type (including the one just defined) to be repeated along the length (i.e. the X direction) of the room. The number of columns is checked to make sure that the maximum number of luminaire positions does not exceed that allowed by the program.
X-Direction - Spacing
Units:                           m
Warning Limits:           0.5 to L
Error Limits:                 -L to L
Enter the distance between the centres of two adjacent luminaires. If there is only one column of luminaires then the spacing is 0.
Y-Direction - Number of Rows
Warning Limits:           1 to 50
Error Limits:                 1 to available
Enter the number of luminaires of the same type to be repeated along the width of the room.
Y-Direction – Spacing
Units:                           m
Warning Limits:           0.5 to W
Error Limits:                 -W to W
Enter the distance between the centres of two adjacent luminaires. If there is only one row of luminaires then the spacing is 0.