
Location Data

The Selection Wizard… button launches a series of dialogs which help the user select the location, the design weather data and the simulation weather data. The selection wizard allows the user access to choose the Location, the Design Weather, and the Simulation Weather dataset.
The selection wizard button appears on both the Location & Site Data tab and the Design Weather Data tab. If the wizard is chosen from the Location tab, the user can change the Location, the Design Weather, and the Simulation Weather dataset. If the selection wizard is chosen from the Design weather tab, the user can only manipulate the design weather data.
This dialog shows the following location data: Latitude, Longitude, Altitude, Time Zone and Daylight saving time data. These parameters are described in section 2 of this manual. The location and daylight saving time data are all editable. When any data other than Location name is edited, the Location name has an asterisk added to indicate it is no longer from the ASHRAE database. In any case the user can edit the Location name as they wish. To access the ASHRAE and CIBSE location database choose the select button:
This shows the Select Site Location… dialog. The location of the model can be defined by navigating through Region, Country/State/Province and City in that order. Non-ASHRAE locations are marked with an asterisk (*). The latitude, longitude and altitude of the site will then be shown in the non-editable boxes. Note these values can be changed within the Location & Weather Data Wizard.
Two further items that only appear here, and are not editable by the user, are ASHRAE climate zone and Fuel Factor Region. Where the ASHRAE climate zone is not known, it will be automatically derived from climate data and the word Derived will be displayed here. Further information about ASHRAE climate zones, see the ASHRAE 90.1-2004 standard. The Fuel Factor Region determines the fuel carbon emission factors applying to the location. These are set as the default values in Fuels Data.
The drop down list Filter: helps to sort the data. The filter choices are as follows:
·       All in country – all locations in the currently chosen country
·       Nearest 10 – the nearest 10 locations in the database
·       Nearest 50 – the nearest 50 locations in the database
·       Nearest 100 – the nearest 100 locations in the database
For example if Manchester Airport is chosen and Nearest 10 is chosen from the filter then the list will appear as follows:
In the above dialog the closest weather locations to the initial choice of Manchester Airport are Cellarhead and Liverpool, both 37km away. If Cellarhead is now chosen the ten closest locations to Cellarhead will now be listed. Note it is possible to select a location in another country if the location lies within filter range of a border. If a location in another country is chosen, the country list will update to reflect this.
Once the correct location is chosen select OK and this will update the parent wizard page. If there are no further changes to be made on the page click Next >.