
Location & Weather

The Location & Weather group allows the optional selection of a Location & Weather preset to be applied to the project that will be created – this will pre-configure ApLocate with the location and weather settings appropriate to the location specified by the preset.
By default, None will be selected – this means that the project will be created with the default site location of London and default weather details.
The group will provide a list of all available presets under All Location & Weather Presets – this list can be filtered using a text search in the field at the right. For example, typing “dub” into the field displays only the presets that contain the string “dub” in their name:
You can also choose to “pin” commonly-used presets – this means they will be displayed at the top of the group, in a separate Pinned Location & Weather Presets list. By default, there will be five pinned presets appropriate to the IES region derived from your PC’s locale settings, but you can choose to un-pin these, or add pin presets.
To un-pin a pinned preset, click on the pin icon displayed at the right-hand side of it in the Pinned Location & Weather Presets list:
To pin a preset, hover over it in the All Location & Weather Presets list and click the pin icon displayed at the right-hand side (the pin is only displayed when you hover over the preset with the mouse pointer):
Additional information about a preset will be displayed whenever the mouse pointer hovers over it after a short delay – this allows you to see the location, weather file name, design weather details and holiday template information (if any) for the preset:
To select a preset to be applied in the project that will be created, click on its name in the list – it will then appear as selected, and its name will appear at the top of the Location & Weather group: