
LARI Loads Reporting

VE 2017
ApacheHVAC User Guide Part F: Loads Analysis and Reporting Tools
For VE2017 the loads reporting structure has been overhauled and extended and new functionality has been added to allow for more user control over loads runs.
Firstly, to enhance the load runs, ASHRAE Loads now supports flexible user control and differentiation between Room & Zone Loads and System Loads. The following can be independently determined for the different types of loads analyses, with settings for each being retained by the software:
·     Inclusion of internal gains;
·     Diversity for internal gains;
·     Saturation of profiles for internal gains, and if so, during all hours of non-zero profile values or just during occupied hours;
·     Use of Design Day profiles when specialize gain profiles are needed specifically for loads analyses
See section 2.
As well as improvements to the loads runs, functionality has also been added which allows new variables to be reported i.e. duct leakage and fan configuration. These new features give further insight into the impact of system sizing runs, which had not been previously possible with the VE, see section 3.
Finally, a new reporting structure provides six new report types and uses a single page PDF format, which allows the user to quickly interrogate their system loads run at different levels easily and effectively. This new format also allows reports to be easily shared and printed if needed, see sections 4 and 5.
2     ASHRAE Loads
ASHRAE loads now includes flexible user control settings, which can be independently configured for Room & Zone Loads and System Loads. The new functionality is detailed under the following headings.
2.1     Internal Gain Inclusion and Saturation
ASHARE loads now allows the user to include/exclude internal gains from a heating loads run, see image below. The default conditions are as follows:
     Room & Zone Loads – unchecked
     System Loads – unchecked
If internal gains are included in the heating loads calculation then further options become available to the user. Here we will discuss the ability to saturate internal gains both for heating and cooling loads runs.
Once internal gains are included (optional for heating loads, mandatory for cooling loads) then the user has the ability to set saturation conditions for these gains.
The following options are available:
·     No
This leaves all internal gain profiles unchanged (default for both Room & Zone and System Loads for heating and cooling runs)
·     Yes
This interprets all internal gain profile values that are greater than zero as being equal to 1.0 (100%) during sizing runs. However, this only occurs if the appropriate setting has been engaged in the internal gain either through building template manager or via space data, see image below. The ‘Allow profiles to saturate for loads analysis?’ is checked by default.
·     During system occupied hours –
This option increases non-zero internal gain profile values to 100% just during System Occupied Hours thus avoiding any increase of non-zero values maintained outside of those hours. The system occupied hours is generated from the data entered for the system (HVAC network) on the Schedules tab of the System Parameters dialog.
2.2     Diversity Factors
If internal gains are included in the analysis, then a further option available to the user is the ability to include/exclude diversity factors as setup for each gain in either building template manager or Space Data as shown in the image below.
This option is available for both heating and cooling loads calculations and its default state is as follows:
·     Room & Zone Loads: unchecked
·     System Loads: checked
2.3     Design Day Profiles
The final user option added to ASHRAE loads is the ability to define specific internal gain profiles for cooling and heating design days.
In ApPro, two new day types have been added to allow for the definition of these specific heating and cooling design day profiles.
These day types are now the default reference in the Room & Zone loads and System Loads dialogs.
3     Reporting New Variables
In order to provide a full and informative report new functionality has been added into the VE to cater for new variables. These are detailed as follows:
3.1     Duct Leakage
Duct leakage can be an important consideration when evaluating a system configuration. New functionality has been provided in ApacheHVAC to cater for duct leakage in VE2017. The ‘Duct thermal properties’ component now contains the following additional/adjusted inputs:
·     Duct leakage rate (%)
This is the percentage of the entering flowrate, which will be leaked. The default value is 0%
·     Location
As well as defining the duct location this now also defines where the leaked air will appear. The following options are available:
o     Duct external to the building = leakage to the external environment
o     Duct within Return Air Plenum = leakage to the selected return air plenum (new option)
o     Duct within Supply Air Plenum = leakage to the selected supply air plenum (new option)
o     Duct within Zone - leakage to the selected HVAC Zone (new option – enabled when zones exist in the ApacheHVAC file)
o     Duct within Room - leakage to the selected room
The plenum, room and zone locations can be assigned from a group if appropriate.
See ApacheHVAC User Guide Part B for more information.
3.2     Fan Configuration
The loads reports are now able to report the fan location relative to the AHU cooling coil. The ‘Fan Configuration’ is reported in multiple locations in the system loads reports see section 5 for more information. The following terminology is used in the reports:
·     Fan is downstream of cooling coil = Draw-Through configuration
·     Fan is upstream of cooling coil = Blow-Through configuration
For any system wherein either one or both of the two required links (AHU Cooling Coil and Supply fan) is not present or the flow-path node configuration makes it impossible to determine the relative location of these two components, the Fan configuration row in the report will read “undetermined”.
Further details can be found in the ApacheHVAC User Guide Part B.
4     Generating a Set of Loads Reports
The new ‘Generate system loads and sizing report’ dialog is available from the following locations:
·     ApacheHVAC toolbar button
·     VistaPro (selecting a .cln or .htn file in VistaPro and clicking “Heating and Cooling report” button)
·     Selected navigators (PRM and System Prototypes & sizing)
This new dialog is configured as shown below:
Note that system level sizing using ASHRAE Loads analysis must be completed to provide the .cln and .htn results files necessary for generating system loads reports. This can be done via ApacheHVAC, the 90.1 PRM Navigator, or directly from the ASHRAE Loads dialog.
4.1     Select Results file
This section of the dialog allows the user to select a results file that will be used to generate the reports. One file can be selected at a time with the default selection always being the first one on the list.
4.2     Select Report Sections to Generate
The new sizing reports are presented as a series of single page PDF’s broken down over the following six types:
·     Project and Climate
This is presented as a single page report for each file selected. It details model, location, weather and calculation data as well as giving a building loads summary. Further details can be found in section 5.1
·     Plant loops & equipment
This report presents data for each active plant loop and associated equipment in a series of frames. Depending on the amount of active loops, this may flow across multiple pages.  Further details can be found in section 5.2
·     Space loads and ventilation
This report displays system, zone and room level loads and airflows that are the coincident peaks taken from the Room & Zone Loads run, System Loads run or System Parameters UI as appropriate. Further details can be found in section 5.3
·     System loads
A single page report is presented for each system within the selected results file. This page shows a detailed breakdown of each system in terms of peak coil performance as well as displaying ancillary information like temperatures, airflow, engineering checks etc. based on the System Loads run. Further details can be found in section 5.4
·     Zone loads
Similar to the system loads report, this page shows the breakdown at a zone level. This selection will be greyed out if HVAC zones do not exist in the ApacheHVAC file. Further details can be found in section 5.4
·     Room loads
Similar to the system and zone loads report, this page shows the breakdown at a room level. Further details can be found in section 5.4
The user can select which reports are generated by checking or unchecking each report. The default is checked for each report type.
4.3     Report Generator Settings
This section of the dialog caters for two user options:
·     Set peak time for reporting
·     Include/exclude oversizing
4.4     Set Peak Time for Reporting
This applies to the System, Zone and Room loads reports and allows the user to set the appropriate peaking devices (and thus peak time) for use in the cooling and heating coil peak frames of these reports. The dialog is launched by selecting the ‘Peak time for loads reporting…’ button.
If the results file has more than one HVAC system then these are listed and are individually selectable.  Once the system is selected the dialog will auto select the most appropriate heating and cooling peaking device based on the system type and configuration e.g. in this case the system is 07a VAV with Reheat and the software has auto selected the AHU cooling coil and the Zone reheat coils as the relevant peaking devices.
These selections can be overridden by the user by simply selecting from the appropriate dropdown for each load report type (system/zone/room).
It should be noted that in this version room units cannot be selected as a peaking device.
4.5     Oversizing
A dropdown selector has been provided to allow the user to determine, at the time of report generation, whether the reported values will be before or after oversizing factors are applied. For coils and equipment, this applies to the oversizing factors for each of these items within the ApacheHVAC interface.
In the case of zone loads, the inclusion of oversizing factors reports values for zone cooling loads and zone heating loads in the Space loads and Ventilation report after the application of oversizing factors set for each zone on the Zone Loads & Supply Airflows tab of the System Parameters dialog in ApacheHVAC. When Room components are used (rather than Zone components) in ApacheHVAC, each Room is equivalent to an HVAC Zone. When this is true, the loads for Rooms on each system within the Space loads and Ventilation report are similarly affected.
This does not affect the contributing loads on the detailed Room Loads and Zone Loads reports.
The inclusion/exclusion of oversizing factors has the following impact on the different report types:
·     Project and Climate
Regardless of the toggle, the project cooling and heating loads are coincident peak values for all conditioned spaces without oversizing.
·     Plant loops & equipment
All equipment and loop capacities will include or exclude oversizing factors during report generation depending on the user selection.
·     Space loads and ventilation
Zone loads for cooling and heating are each coincident peak values with respect to constituent rooms with/without oversizing factors applied. Zone airflows are design values that include oversizing and other influences as set for individual zones in System Parameters.
·     System, Zone and Room loads
Coil and room unit capacities will include or exclude oversizing factors during report generation depending on the user selection.
Dynamic notes have been added to each report to reflect the user selection in this dialog.
4.6     HTML Reports
This gives access to the VE2016 HTML based sizing reports and the ASHRAE 62.1 ventilation reports. These are unchecked by default.
4.7     Content Manager
When the user selection is complete, the selected reports can be generated by clicking the ‘OK’ button. The PDF containing these reports will be generated and has the same name as the .cln and .htn files from the System Loads run. It is saved to the project scripts folder and is added to content manager for future viewing.
Content manager is the new reports repository for VE2017 and can be accessed via a popup after the report generation process is complete as shown above or via the tools menu at anytime.
Content manager lists the available reports on the left hand side frame and displays the contents on the right hand side. Reports can be fully investigated, filtered, deleted, or opened externally in a local PDF viewer.
System Loads and Sizing Reports
As stated previously six new report types are available in VE2017:
·     Project and Climate
·     Plant Loops and Equipment
·     Space Loads and Ventilation
·     System Loads
·     Zone Loads
·     Room Loads
These new reports types are based around a single page PDF format, with report pages organized according to a linear scheme.  This means that, where applicable, the information pertaining to the building (as is the case in the Project and Climate report) or a system, zone or room (as it the case for the loads reports) are contained on a single page. This makes the interrogation of the reports quick, easy and effective.
In the case of the Loops & Equipment report or the Space Loads and Ventilation report the report may overlap onto multiple pages depending on the size of the project.
The header within each report references the report type (LHS), the project name (centre) and the VE version (RHS). The following reports have additional information in the header:
·     Space Loads and Ventilation
The name of the system is displayed under the project name
·     System Loads Report
The name of the system is displayed under the project name
·     Zone Loads Report
The name of the zone is displayed under the project name and the parent system is displayed under the report type
·     Room Loads Report
The name of the room is displayed under the project name and the parent system and parent zone (if applicable) is displayed under the report type
In each report the notes to the LHS of the footer contains the following information:
·     Results file name
·     Date and time of generation
·     Reference to the report type
·     Page number relative to the total pages for that report type
Notes specific to the report type are contained on the RHS of the footer.
For all reports where data is not available or applicable a dash (-) is used.
5.1     Project and Climate
The project and climate report is the first report to be displayed unless it is unchecked. It shows a breakdown of model, location, weather and calculation data for the selected results file as well as giving a project loads summary. It is a single page report generated for each results file. It contains the following six frames:
·     Model Data
·     Location Data
·     Design Weather Data
·     Heating Calculation Data
·     Cooling Calculation Data
·     Project Loads Summary
Model Data:
The model data frame contains the following information:
Project file
The project .mit file name
HVAC file
The project .asp file used to generate the report
Model floor area
Total building floor area
Building floor area
Building conditioned floor area
Building Volume
Building conditioned volume
Number of conditioned rooms
Total number of rooms served by a system
Load analysis methodology
ASHRAE Heat Balance Method as per Apache Loads
Date and time of calculation
Version No.
IESVE Version Number
Location Data:
The location data frame contains the following information:
Taken from the ‘location & Site Data’ tab in ApLocate
Taken from the ‘location & Site Data’ tab in ApLocate
Taken from the ‘location & Site Data’ tab in ApLocate
Taken from the ‘location & Site Data’ tab in ApLocate
Time Zone
Taken from the ‘location & Site Data’ tab in ApLocate
Design Weather Data:
The design weather data frame contains the following information:
Taken from the ‘Design Weather Data’ tab in ApLocate
Monthly percentile - heating
Taken from the ‘Design Weather Data’ tab in ApLocate
Monthly percentile - cooling
Taken from the ‘Design Weather Data’ tab in ApLocate
Barometric pressure
This is atmospheric pressure taken from the design weather data
Air density
Taken from the ‘location & Site Data’ tab in ApLocate. This is either:
·     Standard value which is the same for all locations (default)
·     Custom value which can be entered by the user
·     Derived value. Here the user can enter elevation and reference dry bulb and relative humidity values to derive the air density
Air specific heat
Constant value of 1019J/kgK in SI and 0.7886 Btu/lb·°F in IP
Density-spec heat product
Product of air density and specific heat
Summer Ground reflectance
Taken from the ‘location & Site Data’ tab in ApLocate
Winter Ground reflectance
Taken from the ‘location & Site Data’ tab in ApLocate
Carbon dioxide (ambient)
Taken from the ‘location & Site Data’ tab in ApLocate
Heating Calculation Data:
The heating calculation data frame contains the following information:
Results file
Name of associated .htn file
Date and time of calculation
Profile Month
Taken from Apache System Loads settings
Outdoor winter design temp
Taken from the ‘Design Weather Data’ tab in ApLocate
Cooling Calculation Data:
The cooling calculation data frame contains the following information:
Results file
Name of associated .cln file
Date and time of calculation
Profile Month
Taken from Apache System Loads settings
Max. outdoor temp dry bulb
Taken from the ‘Design Weather Data’ tab in ApLocate
Max. outdoor temp wet bulb
Taken from the ‘Design Weather Data’ tab in ApLocate
Project Loads Summary Data:
The project loads summary data frame contains the following information:
Cooling loads peak
This is the cooling design load peak taken from the System Parameters dialog for all active systems and summed to give the project cooling load peak. Note that this may potentially be a non-coincident peak if the systems are loaded at differing times.
Cooling load density
This is the cooling design load density associated with the peak shown above
Heating loads peak
This is the heating design load peak taken from the System Parameters dialog for all active systems and summed to give the project heating load peak. Note that this may potentially be a non-coincident peak if the systems are loaded at differing times.
Heating load density
This is the heating design load density associated with the peak shown above.
Plant Loops and Equipment
The plant loops and equipment report is the second report to be displayed unless it is unchecked. It shows a breakdown of the water loops and equipment in the selected results file.  It can flow onto multiple pages if the HVAC file contains many water loops. This report contains details for the following three water loop types:
·     Chilled water loop;
·     Hot water loop;
·     Heat transfer loop
Only active loops are displayed in the report.
The data for each loop is contained within a single frame, which is named after the loop type and is numbered relative to the total amount of loops in the results file of that type.
Chilled Water Loop:
The chilled water loop frame contains the following information:
Chilled water loop reference name from the .asp file
Cooling capacity
Chilled water loop capacity from the .asp file
Primary design flow rate
Chilled water loop primary flow rate from the .asp file
Primary pump power
Chilled water loop primary flow rate multiplied by the relevant specific pump power, both from the .asp file
Secondary design flow rate
Here the capacity for each coil on the secondary loop is summed and the flowrate is calculated using the loop temperature difference
Secondary pump power
This is the flow rate calculated above multiplied by the relevant specific pump power
Condenser loop design capacity
Condenser water loop heat rejection capacity taken from the .asp file
Condenser loop design flow rate
Condenser water loop flow rate taken from the .asp file
Condenser loop pump power
Condenser water loop flow rate multiplied by condenser water loop specific pump power both taken from the .asp file
Pre-cooling loop capacity
Chilled water loop pre-cooling capacity taken from the .asp file
Equipment name and capacities - Chiller
Taken from the .asp file for each chiller:
Name: Reference name from the .asp file
Capacity: Design condition cooling capacity, Qdes
Equipment name and capacities – Cooling Tower
Taken from the .asp file
Name: Cooling tower (set label)
Capacity: Heat rejection, Qhrdes
Equipment name and capacities – Fluid cooler
Taken from the .asp file
Name: Fluid Cooler (set label)
Capacity: Heat rejection, Qhrdes
Hot Water Loop:
The hot water loop frame contains the following information:
Hot water loop reference name from the .asp file
Heating capacity
Hot water loop capacity from the .asp file
Pre-heating condenser heat recovery capacity
Combination of two parameters - source multiplied by max heat recovery with HX. Source is the design capacity of either a specified part load chiller or condenser water loop. The HX parameters taken from the heat recovery dialog. Note if the user chooses an explicit heat transfer model, the calculation is source multiplied by heat exchanger design effectiveness. All parameters taken from the .asp file
Pre-heating water to water heat pump Capacity
As above but the calculation is extended due to the heat pump capacity rating i.e. Source multiplied by max. heat recovery with HX multiplied by heat pump capacity.
In the case of explicit heat transfer model the calculation is: Source multiplied by heat exchanger design effectiveness X heat pump capacity as a percentage of source loop capacity. All parameters taken from the .asp file
Pre-heating air to water heat pump capacity
Combination of two parameters - referenced air-to-water heat pump dialog output multiplied by the percent of auto sized heat source capacity. All parameters taken from the .asp file
Pre-heating combined heat & power capacity
This parameter comes from heat output in the CHP generator dialog
Primary design flow rate
Hot water loop primary flow rate from the .asp file
Primary pump power
Combination of two parameters - Hot water loop primary flow rate multiplied by the relevant specific pump power, both from the .asp file
Secondary design flow rate
Here the capacity for each coil on the secondary loop is summed and the flowrate is calculated using the loop temperature difference. Thus is then summed for all secondary loops
Secondary pump power
Combination of two parameters - Hot water loop secondary flow rate multiplied by the relevant specific pump power summed for all secondary loops
Equipment name and capacities - Boilers
Taken from the .asp file for each boiler:
Name: Reference name from the .asp file
Capacity: Design condition heating capacity, Qdes
Heat Transfer Loop:
The heat transfer loop frame contains the following information:
Heat transfer loop reference name from the .asp file
Heating capacity
Heat transfer loop heating capacity from the .asp file
Cooling capacity
Heat transfer loop cooling capacity from the .asp file
Design flow rate
Heat transfer loop flowrate from the .asp file
Primary pump power
Combination of two parameters - flow rate multiplied by primary circuit specific pump power. All parameters taken from the .asp file
Secondary pump power
Combination of two parameters - flow rate multiplied by secondary circuit specific pump power. All parameters taken from the .asp file
Heat acquisition - condenser heat recovery capacity
As per condenser heat recovery for hot water loops
Heat acquisition – water to water heat pump capacity
As per WWHP for hot water loops
Heat acquisition – air to water heat pump capacity
As per AWHP for hot water loops
Heat acquisition – combined heat & power thermal capacity
As per CHP for hot water loops
Water-source heat exchanger  - heating capacity
Heat transfer loop water-source heat exchanger heating capacity from the .asp file
Water-source heat exchanger  - cooling capacity
Heat transfer loop water-source heat exchanger heating capacity from the .asp file
Heating equipment capacity - Boilers
Taken from the .asp file for each boiler:
Name: Reference name from the .asp file
Capacity: Design condition heating capacity, Qdes
Heat rejection equipment capacity – Cooling tower
Taken from the .asp file
Name: Cooling tower (set label)
Capacity: Heat rejection, Qhrdes
Heat rejection equipment capacity – Fluid cooler
Taken from the .asp file
Name: Fluid Cooler (set label)
Capacity: Heat rejection, Qhrdes
5.3     Space Loads and Ventilation
The space loads and ventilation report is the third report to be displayed unless it is unchecked. This report shows a high-level breakdown of the space loads and ventilation values for each system within the results file. It can flow onto multiple pages if the HVAC file contains more than one system.
The data shown in this table is consistent with that shown for the Zone Airflow Distribution table within ApacheHVAC, and thus include only those assigned to Principal Room/Zone components. Therefore, the Space Loads and Ventilation report is a summary of loads for the Principal Room/Zone spaces on each system, and not a listing of coil loads, which might include additional loads for non-principal spaces, outdoor air ventilation, etc.
It should be noted that this table is populated via the ApacheHVAC .asp file either via the system loads run results (.cln file or .htn file) or the via the Room & Zone Loads run results (.clg or .htg file) depending on the level being reported.
Initially it displays system loads and airflows that are the coincident peak for constituent zones, as simulated.
The report also shows zone and room level loads and airflows. Zone loads are the coincident peak for all rooms in each zone, and are set by the Room & Zone Loads run. Zone airflows are the zone cooling and heating max airflows from the System Parameters UI. Room level loads data in the table are the non-coincident peak value from the Room & Zone Loads run for the room.
Both Room Loads and Zone Loads (the coincident peak for the rooms in each zone) in this report are from the Room & Zone loads analysis run––i.e., normally using ‘saturated’ gain profiles, without diversity factors, and before any influence from system operation and controls.
System Loads in this report are coincident peak values from the System loads analysis run––i.e., normally using the same gain profiles and diversity factors as in the full dynamic simulation, and including the influences of system operation and controls.
One report is shown per system with the system name in the header. In the case of PTAC and Single Zone systems the name also includes a layer number for easier cross reference.
System Level:
The following information is provided for the system:
Sensible Cooling Load
Coincident peak value from the System Loads run for all zones on the system
Latent Cooling Load
Coincident peak value from the System Loads run for all zones on the system
Total Cooling load (also provided per unit floor area)
Sum of the above
Cooling Airflow (also provided per unit floor area)
The system airflow peak from the System Loads run at the time of peak cooling load
Heating load (also provided per unit floor area)
Coincident peak value from the System Loads run for all zones on the system
Heating Airflow (also provided per unit floor area)
The system airflow peak from the System Loads run at the time of peak heating load
Outdoor Airflow Req. (also provided per unit floor area)
This is system minimum outdoor ventilation requirement before considering the possibility of a greater requirement for outside air to make up for total system exhaust airflow and is equivalent to Vot in the System Parameters UI
Min OA Airflow (also provided per unit floor area)
Minimum outdoor air from the System Loads run at cooling vs. heating peak times
Zone Level:
The following information is provided for each zone served by the system:
Sensible Cooling Load
Coincident peak value from the Room & Zone Loads run for all rooms in the zone
Latent Cooling Load
Coincident peak value from the Room & Zone Loads run for all rooms in the zone
Total Cooling load (also provided per unit floor area)
Sum of the above
Cooling Airflow (also provided per unit floor area)
The Zone Cooling Max Airflow from the System Parameters UI
Heating load (also provided per unit floor area)
Coincident peak value from the Room & Zone Loads run for all rooms in the zone
Heating Airflow (also provided per unit floor area)
The Zone Heating Max Airflow from the System Parameters UI
Outdoor Airflow Req. (also provided per unit floor area)
Zone Ventilation Max/Total Required from the System Parameters UI
Min OA Airflow (also provided per unit floor area)
Minimum outdoor air from the System Loads run at cooling vs. heating peak times
Room Level:
The following information is provided for each room served by the system:
Sensible Cooling Load
Peak value from the Room & Zone Loads run for the room
Latent Cooling Load
Peak value from the Room & Zone Loads run for the room
Total Cooling load (also provided per unit floor area)
Sum of the above
Cooling Airflow (also provided per unit floor area)
The Zone Cooling Max Airflow from the System Parameters UI multiplied by the room airflow apportioning factor (%) as per the Zone Airflow Distribution table.
Heating load (also provided per unit floor area)
Peak value from the Room & Zone Loads run for the room
Heating Airflow (also provided per unit floor area)
The Zone Heating Max Airflow from the System Parameters UI multiplied by the room airflow apportioning factor (%) as per the Zone Airflow Distribution table
Space Conditioning Loads Reports
The space conditioning loads reports show the breakdown of a system at three different levels across a series of single page reports. The three levels shown are
·     System
·     Zone
·     Room
If HVAC zones do not exist in the model then this report will not be available for generation. If they exist only for a select number of systems within the model then only the reports relevant to these systems will contain zone level reports.
System Loads, Zone Loads, and Room Loads values in this set of three reports are taken from the System loads analysis run at the time of the relevant peaking device or system load––i.e., normally using the same gain profiles and diversity factors as in the full dynamic simulation, and including the influences of system operation and controls.
These reports are thus focused on documenting contributions to system and coils loads and the differences between design airflow rates, ventilation requirements, and temperature on the on hand and the actual values for these during the System loads analysis run with the system in operation.
The reports are split into three columns, which are further split into relevant frames within each column as follows:
·     Cooling
o     Cooling coil peak
This is the breakdown of all the gains and losses contributing to the peak coil load (as selected in the report generator settings)
o     System/Zone/Room peak
This is an equivalent breakdown at the system/zone/room peak time depending on the report level
o     Cooling coils and room units
This shows peak performance information of associated coils and room units relevant to the report level
·     Heating
o     Heating coil peak
This is the breakdown of all the gains and losses contributing to the peak coil load (as selected in the report generator settings)
o     Heating coils and room units
This shows peak performance information of associated coils and room units relevant to the report level
·     Ancillary information
o     Areas
Areas served by the system broken down cross all three levels
o     Temperatures
System temperatures relevant to the level
o     Airflow
System airflows relevant to the level
o     Checks
System checks relevant to the level
The following images show an example of a system, zone and room loads report.
5.4.1     Cooling Coil Peak
This frame itemises gains contributing to the load on a cooling coil at a peak time associated with the peaking device as selected in the report generator settings. The name of this frame is dynamic and will update depending on the peaking device selected.
This frame is broken down across the series of rows and columns, which are detailed as follows:
Rows (reported gain classes):
·     Envelope Gains/Losses
These are the gains/losses associated with the envelope e.g. external walls, roofs, solar ventilation associated with the envelope, etc.
·     Internal Building Gains/Losses
These the gains/losses associated with the internal structures and other gain/losses from exchange between neighbouring elements like duct leakage, conduction and non-principle spaces
·     Internal Gains
These the gains/losses associated with internal contributions within the room/zone e.g. lights, people, equipment
·     Mechanical Gains/Looses
These are gains/losses associated with mechanical elements within the system itself
·     Zone/Room
These are the gains/losses associated with the room or zone itself (aggregated at system and zone level as appropriate)
·     RA Plenum
The RA Plenum column lists the gains/losses associated with the particular Room/Zone at hand accruing directly to the RA Plenum (or a portion of such gains where the plenum is shared). These gains include, for example, Lighting Gains fraction to plenum for lights in that particular Room/Zone, Supply Air Leakage and Duct Heat Gain/Loss
·     Net Value
These are the gains/losses that directly contribute to the coil load and in most cases are a sum of the system/zone/room column and the plenum column. However, there are expectations, which will be detailed below.
·     Percent of total
Displays, for each row, the value in the adjacent ‘Net Value’ column expressed as a percentage of the total appearing at the bottom of that column (or a dash if the ‘Net Value’ column contains a dash).
Where appropriate the room level gains/losses are aggregated to zone level and to system level.
The peak time of the selected peaking device is shown at the top of this frame along with the outside air dry bulb (DB), outside air wet bulb (WB) and the outside air relative humidity (RH) at that time.
Envelope Gains/Losses:
External Walls
Conduction gain - external wall from the .cln file
Conduction gain – roof from the .cln file
Ground/Exposed Floors
Conduction gain - ground floor from the .cln file
External Doors
Conduction gain – external doors from the .cln file
Windows Conduction
Conduction gain - external glazing from the .cln file
Skylight Conduction
Conduction gain – rooflights from the .cln file
Solar gain from the .cln file
Infiltration gain from the .cln file
Nat/Aux Vent
Natural vent gain + Aux mech vent gain from the .cln file
Internal Building Gains/Losses:
Internal Walls/ Openings
Conduction gain - internal wall  +  Conduction gain - internal door + Conduction gain - internal glazed from the .cln file
Internal Floors/Air/Furn.
Conduction gain – floor  + Air & furniture dynamic gain from the .cln file
Conduction gain – ceiling   from the .cln file
Duct Conduction
Duct conduction gain from the .cln file. This contributes to the Net Total column. If the duct is contained within the same control volume (i.e., within the subject conditioned space), the space gain will be cancelled by an equal loss reported on the SA Duct (conduction) line in mechanical gains/losses
Duct Leakage†
Duct leakage sensible gain from the .cln file. This reports the gain to subject space in Room/Zone column and gain to RA Plenum serving the subject space in the RA Plenum column where appropriate depending on the leakage configuration in the HVAC file.
As designated by the dagger, duct Leakage gain does not contribute to the Net Value column because it is either internal to the control volume or already included in the ventilation gain terms.
Note: not to be confused with ‘SA Duct Leakage’ in Mechanical Gains/Losses section.
Non-Principal Spaces
This is the sensible gains (other than mechanical ventilation gains) to voids and zones/rooms other than principal zones/rooms and their associated plenums. Calculated from the flowrate into and the temperature across the non-principle space. Any duct leakage sensible gain is deducted from this figure
Internal Gains:
Lighting gain from the .cln file
People gain from the .cln file
Equipment gain from the .cln file
Mechanical Gains/Losses:
Ventilation (sensible)
This is the net sensible heat added to the system by mechanical ventilation.
At zone level it is apportioned to the zone based on the proportion of sensible gains in the multiplex layer (all envelope, internal, non-principle, mechanical and the subject coil if it’s in the multiplex) compared to the sum of the gains for all layers.
At room level it is apportioned based on the airflow percentages from the Zone Airflow Distribution table (ZAD)
Transfer Air†
This is the gain attributable to the intake of air drawn from other spaces. As designated by the dagger symbol, Transfer Air is not reported in the Net Value column, as it is moving air and thus loads around within the scope of the peaking system coil loads. While transfer air does not contribute to net load for system-level coils, it may contribute to the net load in the case of zone level coils; however this has not yet been provided as a separate entry within the net value column for the reports
The contribution is calculated from the transfer air parameters (flow, transfer air temperature and room cooling setpoint) set in the relevant layer of the relevant system.
SA Duct Leakage†
This is the gain attributable to the additional load resulting from air leakage from supply ducts. As designated by the dagger, this is not reported in the Net Value column. If the peaking device is at zone or room level this parameter is not reported as contribution to supply air is assumed to be upstream of the zone coil.
The contribution is calculated from the leakage parameters (leakage %, flow, supply air temperature and room cooling setpoint) set in the relevant layer of the relevant system.
This is the heat gain from fans i.e. sensible gains from fans in the zone/room multiplex layer, plus a portion of gains from fans at system level all apportioned and aggregated.
The contribution is calculated from the fan parameters i.e. flow and temperature difference across the fan.
SA Duct (conduction)
This is the conduction heat gain to ducts (and thus to supply air on route to the subject space). This gain represents a transfer of heat to the system from a space (possibly the exterior space). If that space is in the same system, or the same zone, it will be balanced in the system or zone account by an equal loss from that space (part of the space’s ‘Duct conduction’ gain, see above). If the space is exterior or in a different system, the gain constitutes a net gain to the control volume.
The sensible gain is calculated from the temperature difference across the duct component and the mass flow entering it, as leakage is assumed to occur at the duct outlet.
Supply Air Plenum
This is the sensible gain to the supply air plenum if one exists.
The gain is calculated from flow and temperature difference characteristics (accounting for the duct conduction gain) as well as accounting for any leakage.
Room Units, Coils, etc.
Sensible gain from eligible components, other than the peaking device, in the zone/room multiplex layer, plus a portion of gains from components at the system level all apportioned and aggregated.
Eligible components are room units, Monodraught heater batteries, heating and cooling coils, Colorcoat Renew solar collectors, spray humidifiers (negative gain) and steam humidifiers (positive gain) and ducts.
Latent Cooling
The latent load on the cooling coil, taken the component output variable in the .cln file
Dehumid Oversizing†
This parameter is intended to report the additional coil capacity resulting specifically from the cooling of the supply air, as driven by system or zone setpoints for max RH, to a temperature below the SAT required for sensible space cooling, which is then followed immediately by reheating of the supply airflow to the SAT for space cooling. This added capacity for dehum followed by reheat (which may be accomplished by a  heat pipe, runaround coil, or similar means between the AHU cooling and heating coils, with the heating coil as backup) is required to avoid overcooling any space already at min airflow as an unintended consequence of controlling humidity.
This should not be confused with the Latent Cooling parameter above. This is essentially AHU reheat load (reheat by AHU heating coil or other device immediately after the AHU cooling coil). This should be permitted only for sub-cooling the supply air to satisfy dehumidification requirements, as it would otherwise be a pointless waste of cooling and heating energy.
As designated by the dagger, this is not reported in the Net Value column.
5.4.2     Cooling System/Zone/Room Peak
Cooling System/Zone/Room Peak
This section  is headed ‘Room Peak’ in Room Loads Reports, ‘Zone Peak’ in Zone Loads Reports and ‘System Peak’ in System Loads Reports. It itemises gains (reported gain classes) to a room or zone (or a set of rooms or zones in the case of a System Loads Report) at the time of peak room cooling. This is defined as when the variable ‘Space conditioning sensible’ for the subject room (or in the case of Zone and System Loads Reports multiple rooms or zones) totalled over all the relevant rooms or zones, is at its maximum negative value.
The derivations of entries in this part of the report (under the column headings ‘Room’ and ‘Percent of Total’) follow the same procedures as those in the ‘... COOLING ... PEAK’ section, with the following exceptions:
·     Mechanical Gains/Losses – these do not apply and are reported as dashes (–).
·     Values in the ‘Percent of Total’ column refer to the adjacent values in the ‘(Sensible)’ column.
5.4.3     Heating Coil Peak
This section itemises gains (reported gain classes) contributing to the load on a heating coil or other heating device at a peak time specified in the report generator settings. As with the cooing coil peak, this determines the wording of the header.
The derivations of entries in this part of the report (under the headings ‘Room’ (or ‘Zone’) ‘RA Plenum’ and ‘Net Total’) follow the same procedures as those in the cooling coil peak section, with the following exceptions:
·     Inputs are taken from the .htn file rather than the .cln file.
·     So long as the ‘Default’ box is checked in the Heating Loads section of the ASHRAE Loads dialog, the ‘Time of peak’ on the report shall display ‘Heating Design’.
·     Setpoints are used in the calculation of some of the mechanical gains/losses, in this case these are heating setpoints rather than cooling setpoints.
·     The rows for Latent Cooling Load and Dehumid Oversizing are not relevant and therefore are omitted
5.4.4     Cooling Coils and Room Units
This frame shows the design values for the cooling coils and cooling room units in the system. Devices at system level are shown on the system report and their proportional contribution at zone and room level are shown on those reports. Devices at zone level are shown on the zone report and their proportional contribution at room level is shown on the room level report.
The following cooling devices are reported:
·     System cooling coil
·     Ventilation cooling coil
·     Indirect and direct evaporative cooling
·     FCU, FPB or Active beam
·     Room units. In this case only the capacity and entering/leaving water temperatures are shown
The oversizing toggle affects the capacities displayed in this frame and a note directly under the frame indicates if oversizing has been included or not.
Total Capacity
This is the total capacity taken from the .asp file. In the case of evaporative cooling this is calculated from conditions in the .cln file
Sensible Capacity
This is the sensible capacity. The proportion of total to sensible is obtained from the .cln file and this is then applied to the total from the .asp to get the design sensible capacity
This is the airflow from the .asp file. When the .asp is not a valid source it is taken from the .cln file
Entering DB/WB/RH
This is the entering conditions from the .asp file. When the .asp is not a valid source the values are taken from the .cln file
Leaving DB/WB/RH
This is the leaving conditions from the .asp file. When the .asp is not a valid source the values are taken from the .cln file
Heating Coils and Room Units
This frame shows the design values for the heating coils and heating room units in the system. Devices at system level are shown on the system report and their proportional contribution at zone and room level are shown on those reports. Devices at zone level are shown on the zone report and their proportional contribution at room level is shown on the room level report.
The following heating devices are reported:
·     System heating coil
·     Ventilation heating coil
·     Pre-heat coil
·     Re-heat coil
·     FCU, FPB or Active beam
·     Room units. In this case only the capacity and entering/leaving water temperatures are shown
The oversizing toggle affects the capacities displayed in this frame and the same note referenced in the cooling coil and room units frame indicates if oversizing has been included or not.
Total Capacity
This is the total capacity taken from the .asp file
This is the airflow from the .asp file. When the .asp is not a valid source it is taken from the .htn file
Entering DB
This is the entering dry bulb from the .asp file. When the .asp is not a valid source the values are taken from the .htn file
Leaving DB
This is the leaving dry bulb from the .asp file. When the .asp is not a valid source the values are taken from the .htn file
This frame details the gross surface areas of the zones or rooms served by the system. These are then summed to give the areas at system level. The frame also outlines the glazing area in the relevant surfaces and shows this as a percentage.
External wall area + external glazing area (excluding doors and holes)
External glass area in associated wall as area and percentage of gross wall area
External roof area + external skylight area (excluding holes)
External skylight area in associated roof as area and percentage of gross roof area
External Floor
Area of ground and exposed floors
External door area
Internal vertical partition and door area (including glazing & holes)
Internal Ceiling
Internal ceiling area
Internal Floor
Internal floor area
This frame reports relevant temperatures at system, zone and room level. The parameters change depending on the reporting level.
System level:
Note, where appropriate the data source is at the time of peak system cooling and heating loads, respectively (coincident peak value for all zones on the system).
Supply air (design)
This is the system level design temperature and is obtained from the systems parameters UI for heating and cooling as follows:
·     If a Packaged terminal unit or single zone this is taken from the ‘Zone loads & airflows tab’ (cooling and heating design zone air temperatures)
·     If a non-DOAS system this is taken from the System Parameters dialog in SP. (Cooling - ‘System min SAT for space cooling & vent tempering’, Heating - ‘Heating mode max SAT’)
·     If DOAS then it references ‘DOAS ventilation air tempering max SAT (subject to SAT reset) for cooling and ‘DOAS ventilation air tempering min SAT’ for heating.
Supply air (actual)
The actual system supply temperature is obtained from the .cln and .htn respectively. This is determined by querying the following nodes:
·     Packaged and single zone systems: node entering the room/zone
·     All other system: node just before the multiplex boundary
Return air (actual)
The actual system return temperature is obtained from the .cln and .htn respectively. This is determined by querying the following nodes:
·     Packaged and single zone systems: node leaving the room/zone
·     All other system: node to the RHS of the RA damper
Plenum (actual)
Not applicable at system level therefore is shown as a dash (-)
Mixed air (actual)
The actual system mixing temperature is taken from the .cln and .htn and references the mixing damper outlet node.
Fan Motor Temp Rise (dT)
This is the temperature rise due to the motor and is given by:
  - is the total fan power at time of peak flowrate .
- is the motor efficiency at peak flow rate ,
and - are the reference air density and specific heat capacity of air respectively
Fan Blade Temp Rise (dT)
This is the heat rise due to the fan (everything that isn’t the motor and the drive mechanism) and is given by:
Where - is determined by querying the node either side of the system level fan
Fan Configuration
This is determined based on the relative location of the system cooling coil and the supply fan, see section 3.2 for further information
Zone level:
Note, where appropriate the data source is at the time of peak zone cooling and heating loads, respectively (coincident peak value for all rooms in each zone).
Supply air (design)
This is the zone level design temperature and is obtained from the system parameters UI for heating and cooling (‘Zone loads & airflows tab’ - cooling and heating design zone air temperatures)
Supply air (actual)
The actual zone supply temperature is obtained from the .cln and .htn. This is determined by querying the node entering the zone
Return air (actual)
The actual zone return temperature is obtained from the .cln and .htn. This is determined by querying the node leaving the zone
Plenum (actual)
This is the actual plenum temperature obtained from the .cln and .htn. This is determined by querying the node directly downstream of the plenum component
Mixed air (actual)
Same as the system mixing temperature
Zone Fan Temp Rise (dT)
This parameter is shown only when there is a zone-level fan, such as in a fan-coil unit or FPB.
At zone level the reports show the complete fan temp rise which is obtained from the .cln and .htn file
Room level:
Note, where appropriate the data source is at the time of peak room cooling and heating loads, respectively.
Supply air (design)
This is the room level design temperature and is obtained from the systems parameters UI for heating and cooling (‘Zone loads & airflows tab’ - cooling and heating design zone air temperatures). Note that for rooms in zones, this is the same for each room.
Supply air (actual)
The actual room supply temperature is obtained from the .cln and .htn.  This is determined by querying the node entering the room. Note that for rooms in zones, this is the same for each room.
Room Setpoint (design)
This is obtained from the ‘Systems Schedules and Setpoints’ dialog
Room throttling range
This is currently blank (not reported) and may be included in future versions
Room (actual)
The room temperature is obtained from the .cln and .htn
Return air (actual)
The actual room return temperature is obtained from the .cln and .htn.  This is determined by querying the node leaving the room. Note that for rooms in zones, this is the same for each room.
Plenum (actual)
This is the actual plenum temperature obtained from the .cln and .htn. This is determined by querying the node directly downstream of the plenum component. Note that for rooms in zones, this is the same for each room.
Mixed air (actual)
Same as the system mixing temperature
Zone Fan Temp Rise (dT)
This parameter is shown only when there is a room-level fan, such as in a fan-coil unit or FPB.
This is not applicable for rooms in zones and is therefore a dash (-). At room level the reports show the complete fan temp rise which is obtained from the .cln and .htn file.
This frame reports relevant airflows at system, zone and room level. The parameters change depending on the reporting level.
System level:
Note, where appropriate the data source is at the time of peak system cooling and heating loads, respectively (coincident peak value for all zones on the system).
Supply (design)
This is the system level design airflow and is obtained from the system parameters UI for heating and cooling (‘Zone loads & Supply Airflows tab’ for package and single zone systems or ‘System supply fan design flow rate, Vpsd’ for all other systems)
Supply (actual)
The actual system supply airflow is obtained from the .cln and .htn respectively. This is determined by querying the following nodes:
·     Packaged and single zone systems: node entering the room/zone
·     All other systems: node just before the multiplex boundary
These will normally be coincident with the time system-level coincident peak cooling and heating loads for all zones, respectively. There are certain cases for particular systems, control schemes, and climates, however, wherein the greatest system airflow in either Cooling or Heating mode will be required at a point in time that does not coincide with the peak loads for one or both of these operating modes. The reported values will always be the maximum airflow recorded during the Cooling and Heating design sizing runs, respectively, regardless of coincidence with peak loads
Reheat Minimum (design)
This is the minimum primary airflow for each zone, obtained from the system parameters UI, summed to get the system value
Leakage at Design Flow
This is the zone leakage airflow, which is obtained by multiplying the percentage leakage by the zone supply design flow and summed to get the system value. If the leakage occurs at system level then this is calculated with system values.
Return (actual)
The actual system return airflow is obtained from the .cln and .htn respectively. This is determined by querying the following nodes:
·     Packaged and single zone systems: node leaving the room/zone
·     All other system: node to the RHS of the RA damper
Exhaust and Relief (actual)
This is the flow out of all the system outlets summed
Ventilation (requirement)
This is the system ventilation requirement and is taken from the System Parameters dialog (‘System minimum outdoor air intake, ‘Vot/make-up’)
Ventilation (actual)
This is the actual system ventilation and is obtained from the .cln and .htn respectively. The source of this data varies depending on the system configuration i.e.
·     DOAS - Heat recovery bypass damper outlet if present, else the system air inlet
·     Package terminal unit and single zone - Multiplex boundary node for incoming outdoor air supply. The ‘system’ in this case is the same as the zone. There may not be an actual ‘inlet’ component if the user has coupled the PTAC/PTHP inlet to another system
·     Mixing Systems - Flow rate at heat recovery bypass damper outlet if present, else OA Economizer damper inlet if present
Note that a flag has been provided to indicate DCV. This uses dynamic text to append ‘– DCV’ to the ‘Ventilation (actual)’ label, so that this would read ‘Ventilation (actual) – DCV’ for any system with DCV
The infiltration rate for all room/zones is obtained from the .cln and .htn and summed to give the system level value
Zone level:
Note, where appropriate the data source is at the time of peak zone cooling and heating loads, respectively (coincident peak value for all rooms in each zone)
Supply (design)
This is the zone level design airflow and is obtained from the system parameters UI for heating and cooling. (‘Zone loads & Supply Airflows tab’)
Supply (actual)
This is the actual system supply airflow into the zone and is obtained from the .cln and .htn. This is determined by querying the node entering the zone
Reheat Minimum (design)
This is the minimum primary airflow for the zone, obtained from the system parameters UI
Leakage at Design Flow
This is the zone leakage airflow and is obtained by multiplying the percentage leakage by the supply design flow
Return (actual)
This is the actual zone return airflow and is obtained from the .cln and .htn. This is determined by querying the node leaving the zone
Exhaust (actual)
This is the flow on the zone exhaust path obtained from the .cln and .htn respectively
Ventilation (requirement)
This is the zone ventilation requirement and is taken from the system parameters dialog (‘Max req.’ from the ‘Zone Ventilation & Exhaust’ tab)
Ventilation (actual)
This is the actual zone ventilation and is obtained from the .cln and .htn respectively. The source of this data varies depending on the system configuration i.e.
·     DOAS - Flow at node for controller with ‘DOAS Vent Airflow’ or ‘DOAS Vent Airflow CAV/DCV’ link
·     Package terminal unit and single zone - Flow rate at multiplex boundary node for incoming outdoor air supply. This may not be an actual ‘inlet’ component if the user has coupled the PTAC/PTHP inlet to another system
·     Mixing Systems - Flow is determined by determining the system OA fraction (OA flow rate system level divided by total system supply flow rate). This is then multiplied by the zone supply (actual) peak airflow to get the ventilation actual flow to the zone
Note that a flag has been provided to indicate DCV. This uses dynamic text to append ‘– DCV’ to the ‘Ventilation (actual)’ label, so that this would read ‘Ventilation (actual) – DCV’ for any system with DCV
This is the infiltration rate for the zone and is obtained from the .cln and .htn
Room level:
Note, where appropriate the data source is at the time of peak room cooling and heating loads, respectively. In addition, for rooms in zones the zone flow is distributed among the rooms as per the proportioning in the zone airflow distribution table (ZAD)
Supply (design)
This is the room level design airflow and is obtained from the system parameters UI for heating and cooling. (‘Zone loads & Supply Airflows tab’)
Supply (actual)
This is the actual system supply airflow into the room and is obtained from the .cln and .htn. This is determined by querying the node entering the room
Reheat Minimum (design)
This is the minimum primary airflow for the room, obtained from the system parameters UI
Leakage at Design Flow
This is the room leakage airflow and is obtained by multiplying the percentage leakage by the supply design flow.
Return (actual)
This is the actual room return airflow and is obtained from the .cln and .htn. This is determined by querying the node leaving the room
Exhaust (actual)
This is the flow on the room exhaust path obtained from the .cln and .htn respectively
Ventilation (requirement)
This is the room ventilation requirement and is taken from the system parameters dialog (‘Max req.’ from the ‘Zone Ventilation & Exhaust’ tab).
Ventilation (actual)
This is the actual room ventilation and is obtained from the .cln and .htn respectively. The source of this is the same as for zones.
This is the infiltration rate for the room and is obtained from the .cln and .htn
This frame provides a series of engineering checks, which can be used to verify performance at system, zone and room level. Most of these checks already exist in the system parameters UI and are sourced from there.
Number of people
Sourced from the system parameters UI for each zone and summed to get the value at system level. (Zone airflow, turndown & engineering checks tab).
In the case of rooms within zones the value is taken directly from the room.
Sourced from the system parameters UI for each zone (Zone airflow, turndown & engineering checks tab).  This data is then used to calculate system level value.
In the case of rooms within zones the value is calculated directly from room parameters (room floor area and peak occupancy)
Btu/hr.ft2 – Cooling & Heating
Sourced from the system parameters UI for each zone (Zone airflow, turndown & engineering checks tab). This data is then used to calculate system level value.
In the case of rooms within zones the value is calculated directly from room parameters (room load from the Zone Airflow Distribution table (ZAD) and room floor area)
ft2/ton – Cooling & Heating
Sourced from the system parameters UI for each zone (Zone airflow, turndown & engineering checks tab). This data is then used to calculate system level value.
In the case of rooms within zones the value is calculated directly from room parameters (room load from the Zone Airflow Distribution table (ZAD) and room floor area)
cfm/ft2 – Cooling & Heating
Sourced from the system parameters UI for each zone (Zone airflow, turndown & engineering checks tab). This data is then used to calculate system level value.
In the case of rooms within zones the value is calculated directly from room parameters (room airflow from the Zone Airflow Distribution table (ZAD) and room floor area)
% Outdoor Air - Cooling & Heating
Sourced from the system parameters UI for both zone and system level (Zone airflow, turndown & engineering checks tab).
At room level the necessary parameters required to calculate % outdoor air are taken from the Zone Airflow Distribution table (ZAD) (ventilation and room airflow)
Outdoor air cfm/ft2
Sourced from the system parameters UI for system level (Zone airflow, turndown & engineering checks tab).
At zone and room level the outdoor air flow is taken from the Zone Airflow Distribution table (ZAD) (ventilation airflow) and along with floor area is used to calculate the required values.
Outdoor air cfm/person
Sourced from the system parameters UI for system level (Zone airflow, turndown & engineering checks tab).
At zone and room level the outdoor air flow is taken from the Zone Airflow Distribution table (ZAD) (ventilation airflow) and along with No. of people is used to calculate the required values.
Peak latent Load (Btu/h)
This value is determined based on the peak Latent Load at the system cooling coil (independent of the overall cooling coil peak) and is distributed out to the zone and room as per the proportioning in the Zone Airflow Distribution table (ZAD)