
Known Issues

Below is a list of currently known issues with the viewer.
Please take some time to read through them before contacting support.
As general advice, please make sure your graphics drivers are up-to-date, and where possible use dedicated graphics rather than integrated graphics.
·       Components
o   Internal surfaces aren’t rendered causing visual artefacts on some components.
·       Grid Lines
o   Grid appears behind the model when looking at it from below.
·       Textures
o   On certain surfaces the texture isn’t aligned/rotated correctly.
-          Texture alignment is done automatically and tries to find the ‘best fit’.
This may or may not be in line with the surface.
o   In VE2015FP2 textures appear as yellow and black stripes.
-          Please refer to our Knowledgebase article for more details.
·       Shadows
o   Streaks can appear on the ground plane when viewing shadows from certain angles.
o   Performance is poor with shadows on.
-          This is due to the CPU intensive nature of calculating the shadows.
·       Animations
o   Solar Animation speed is not consistent when shadows are on.
-          This is due to the CPU intensive nature of calculating the shadows.
o   The various Solar Animations vary in speed.
-          Currently all animations are set to run over a fixed time rather than speed.
·       Video
o   Bad Allocation / Out of Memory error when recording hi-resolution video.
-          This can happen when the video encoder fails to keep up with the frames being recorded.
Try reducing the Model Viewer II window size or quality/framerate settings of the video.
·       Simulex
o   Loading Simulex Results causes the viewer to freeze.
-          There is an issue with Intel HD integrated graphics.
Try to use dedicated graphics instead, or make sure your graphics drivers are up-to-date.
·       Performance
o   Performance is poor.
-          This could mean your computer doesn’t support the graphical features required.  Please make sure your graphics drivers are up-to-date.
·       Miscellaneous
o   Windows are opaque rather than transparent on certain machines.
-          This could mean your computer doesn’t support the graphical features required.  Please make sure your graphics drivers are up-to-date.
o   Model edges are white rather than black.
-          This could mean your computer doesn’t support the graphical features required.  Please make sure your graphics drivers are up-to-date.