
Introduction to SunPath

SunPath is used to show a stereographic projection of the Sun's path across the sky.
The program can be run from either SunCast or APLocate by clicking the  button on the toolbar of these applications.
The default location is set for London, although if the program is run from the <VE> then the model site location will be used.
Getting Help
In SunCast the user can get help at any time on the current section.
To do this press the F1 function key .

The SunPath Toolbar

The main toolbar for SunCast is as follows:
                              load settings
                              save settings
                              print stereographic view
      Switch time lines on/off
      Switch angle labels on/off
                              select colours
                              set period
                              CIBSE TM33 validation data                 
                              copy view to clipboard
                              exit program
These functions are described in the relevant menu option.