
Import & Assign data

As noted above, this option enables the user to quickly import entire datasets to the target project. 
Extra Import Options
The dialog below allows the user to select the data sets to be imported.
The options are split into two categories:
·        Templates: this allows the user to import entire template datasets for each of the given template types.  For example selecting “Thermal Conditions” templates shall import ALL thermal conditions templates from the source master template. 
Note: In addition to the templates, all referenced data shall be imported.  For example, should a template refer to a profile, system etc. then these items shall be imported too.
·        Data: this allows the user to import entire datasets.  For example, selecting “Apache Profiles” shall import ALL apache profiles from the master template.  As noted above, if the user has chosen to import a template that is dependent upon specific data items, then this data item will be imported regardless of the user selecting the data check box.  For example, a template may refer to a profile but the user has not selected “Apache Profiles”. This profile will be imported regardless of the user selection here as it is fundamental to the operation of the template.
Job Summary
Choosing “Next” from the import options page shall display a job summary, listing the items to be imported.
Note: The first items on all jobs shall be “Create restore point”.   Whenever we apply a master template job, we create a restore point prior to applying changes.  At any point, the user may revert the application of a master template by choosing the “Master Templates Restore” menu item option.  All restore points shall be displayed allowing the user to restore back to the previous model state.
This option performs identical tasks as that of “Import data” with the additional step of applying data directly to matched rooms in the model.
Assignment Options
Matched Rooms
What data is assigned?
When a room is matched, we apply data, derived from the source model, to that room.  The following is auto-assigned:
·        Thermal data
The thermal template assigned to the source room is auto-imported (including associated data; profiles, gains etc.) and assigned to the current matched room.
·        Construction/Fabric data
For each construction type/category in the source room (external wall, floor etc.) we find the most dominant using the area coverage and import and assign this construction to all such categories within the target room.
Note: this will assign a single construction to the room for all surface categories. 
·        MacroFlo Openings
Similar to constructions, openings shall be auto assigned from the source room by identifying the most dominant opening using area coverage.
Note: this will assign a single opening to the room.  If the target model has multiple openings, then these will all be assigned this opening.
Extra Import Options
This is identical to Extra Import Options above with the difference that items will be pre-selected should the user have chosen to match one or more rooms.  As indicated, matching rooms shall assign data to the matched rooms and, thus, data must be imported to support this.
The intermediate state check boxes indicate which items shall be imported automatically due to room matching.  The user cannot deselect these items as they are pre-requisites of the auto-assign.   The only way to remove these items would be to go back and deselect the matched rooms. 
The user can choose to import additional data using the check boxes provided.