

To access the IESVE Menu commands select Tools >> IES.
Set Building Properties, Select Groups etc
These menu options perform the same functions as the toolbar buttons documented in earlier sections of this user guide.
Identify Rooms in Selected Faces Only
Use this tool to run the room finding algorithm on a reduce set of faces.  Select the faces that bound the rooms you want to analyse then select his option.
Note: this tool can be most useful when troubleshooting sections of the geometry that do not find rooms as expected.
Set VE Rooms Analysis Options
This opens the <VE> Analysis Settings dialog.
Analysis Type – Select Thin Walls or Thick Walls depending on how the model has been drawn.
Analyse Visible Layers only – when ticked the Room Finding algorithm will only consider rooms on layers that are set to visible in the SketchUp Layer Settings.
Maximum Wall Thickness – when in Thick Walls mode this value will treat any space with thickness lower than this value as a wall volume.
Vertical-Horizontal Transition Angle – the angle that defines whether a sloped surface is a Wall (vertical) or a (roof).
Minimum Room Height – when identifying rooms any space lower than this height is ignored.
Minimum Floor Area – when identifying rooms any space with a floor area lower than this value is ignored.
Tidy up Model
The Tidy Model options allow the user to remove superfluous lines that may slow down or inhibit the room identification process, ensuring a faster and higher quality model transfer to <VE>.
Delete Detached Lines – Delete any lines in the model that do not form part of a surface boundary.
Delete Polygons with a Single Face – Removes any closed loops within a surface.
Delete all Text (exc. Room Names) – Deletes all extra text from the SketchUp model (leaves room names as identified by the IESVE plug-in)