
HVAC Analysis & Reports

This page allows the user to set analysis and reporting options that will be applied to the successful completion of the wizard.
This page is reconfigured depending on the mode. In the case of design mode only the options for the design model are shown.
The user has the ability to select the various analysis types that they are interested in:
·     HVAC Zone/Room loads and sizing
·     HVAC System loads and sizing
·     Dynamic simulation (note that simulation is not an option in compliance mode as this is run through the navigator)
The icons beside each analysis type allows the user to set the analysis and reporting options through the standard loads, simulation and reporting dialogs.
Finally, a summary is presented which shows various information pertaining to the HVAC systems and their assignment. In addition, an equipment schedule can be exported to the project directory. This is an excel document that lists the various pieces of equipment and their sizes.
Once OK is clicked the HVAC files are created and populated, the calculations are run, the systems are autosized and the reports are created and stored for review in content manager.