

-          Apache Input File: The APR file encompasses all the input parameters for an Apache simulations and allows simulation to be run at a later time, i.e. at a time governed by the batch simulator.
-          Elements Rule: Is a description of how a model is to be parameterised. A rule can generate a number of parameters (or none) and aims to be model independent. A set of rules may be represent a particular analysis the user would like to perform. When the rule is applied to a model it creates a set of parameters targeting a  model properties. For example a rule can say ‘parameterise the lighting gain in a room’. The rule can be set up to generate a parameter for each room, or combine so that all rooms are adjusted together.
-          Elements: A tool that facilitates the parameterisation of the model by defining the target parameter rules and output variables by creating a defining command in opposed to the user manually inputting the command into the parametric tool.
-          Generations: Evolutionary algorithms such as the one used by Hone, progress in by performing groups of simulations. The ‘cost function’ (objectives) are evaluated for each simulation in the group. The algorithm then uses the objectives to determine what simulations to perform in the next iteration or group of simulations.
-          Hone Worksheet: Optimisation worksheet provides a link between the problem domain and the optimisation algorithm. Worksheets can run Apache simulations with a number of user defined defined parameters. Model Worksheets can be created, saved and transferred and are formatted as .moop files.
-          Hone: A tool that uses a genetic optimisation process for the minimization of a cost function (e.g. comfort, energy consumption, etc.).
-          Optimisation Study: A study that aims to find an alternate with either the most cost effective or highest attainable performance under the given constraints, by maximizing desired elements and minimizing undesired ones.
-          Parameter: A numerical factor that defines a system or the conditions of a system’s operation.
-          Parametric: A tool that enables users to create and batch run a series of Apache simulations. Provides a mechanism for making individual parameter changes prior to simulation.
-          Pareto: The Pareto front represents the trade-off curve that highlights the balance between the two or more potentially conflicting objectives.
-          Population Size: The number of samples within each generation in a Hone based optimisation study.
-          Sensitivity Analysis: A study that aims to determine how different values of an independent variable effects a dependent variable subject to a set of conditions. 
-          Variables: A numerical value that is subject to change.