
General Setup & Zoning

This page provides access to general setup options and zoning. It is auto configured based on the launch point e.g. if launched from outside a compliance navigator the page will be presented in ‘Design’ mode, however if it is launched from a compliance navigator it will be configured specific to that compliance route.
This page is presented under four headings.


This allows the user to enter the name of the HVAC  file to be created at the end of the wizard process or select a previously configured HVAC file. In compliance mode this relates to the proposed model. Note that in compliance mode the name is restricted to ‘Proposed’ as required by the navigator workflow.

Calculation Methodology

Determines the underlying load calculation approach. Currently only ASHRAE is available.

Compliance mode

Is auto selected if launched from a compliance navigator or view and defaults to ‘None(Design)’ if launched independent of a navigator workflow. Note that compliance can only be selected if an appropriate variant model exists.


As with the model browser this section of the page allows for room and HVAC zone grouping. This grouping is used to facilitate quick system assignment later in the wizard. In the case of compliance it allows for independent grouping of the proposed and compliance variant models.