
EPC Report Reference Number (RRN)

Each EPC has a unique identifier to allow it to be stored and located on the central register – this identifier is known as the Report Reference Number (RRN) and can be found at the top left of the front page of the EPC. The RRN takes the form of 5 4-digit numbers, each separated by hyphens. You must manually enter the RRN from your EPC into the field – note that the formatting is enforced, so you do not need to enter the hyphens between the numbers. A What is this? Hyperlink is provided next to the RRN field – when clicked, this will display some helpful information on the RRN and how to find it.
It also includes a View EPC link, that will open the VE-generated EPC document in your installed PDF viewer – if you do not have this version of the EPC, you will need to search for the lodged EPC on the Scottish EPC Register in order to get the RRN.
NOTE: if the RRN field is left as 0000-0000-0000-0000-0000, you will not be able to close the Building & System Data window using the OK button - a balloon tip will be displayed, indicating that you must provide a value: