
DXF & GEM Files

Attach DXF File
Use this command to attach a DXF format drawing file to the project. You may only attach one DXF file to the project at any time.
The "Attach DXF File" dialogue box is as follows:
The "Scale Factor" is used to specify the DXF file units. You can either opt for one of the set units (metres, inches, etc.) or define your own factor. ModelIT will translate all working units to SI units, which is the adopted IES design software convention.
The "Plane" value refers to the height in the ModelIT Z-plane at which the DXF file is attached. The attachment plane has particular significance when using the optional Construct/DXF module because spaces will be automatically extruded from this plane.
When you attach a DXF file, ModelIT will convert all arcs and curves into series of straight lines or vectors which you will see in the ModelIT view. The arc-chord distance is the maximum distance between the resulting vectors and the actual line, define this value in the "Maximum Arc-Chord Distance" field. A very small arc-chord distance will result in a very accurate representation of the arc or curve but will result in a longer processing time and conversely a large arc-chord distance will produce a less accurate model but much faster processing times.
Select the DXF file and click on "Open" to attach the DXF file. You will then see the DXF file in the ModelIT window.
Detach DXF File
Use this option to detach a DXF file from the project.
Active DXF Layers
This option activates the "DXF Layers" dialogue box, which displays the levels (or layers) with which the DXF file was constructed when it was drawn. Clicking the On or Off buttons shows or hides levels of the DXF drawing which may contain information you do not wish to view while building a model, or which you do not wish ModelIT to interrogate during the optional Construct/DXF process, such as furniture, dimensions etc.
Click on "Close" to accept the changes.
Move DXF File
This allows you to manipulate the position of the DXF file once it is attached in the VE model space.
Attach Obstructions File
Opens a MIT file which is to be used as an obstructions file.
Detach Obstructions File
Use this option to detach an obstructions file from the project.
Import GEM File
Imports a geometry file in the GEM (geometry) file format into ModelIT. The following window is displayed.
Click Import to bring up the following window. Browse for the desired GEM file and click Open.
The GEM file will be imported for preview as in the following window. Templates can then be applied for:
Space attributes
Macroflo opening types
Thermal conditions
Electric lighting
Radiance surface properties
Click OK to confirm the geometry import.
Export GEM File
This option exports the geometry created by ModelIT, to the GEM file format.