
Detailed Simulation Reports - Proposed NECB 2017

Detailed Simulation Reports
This step enables the generation or display of the detailed report for the proposed model. The report
contains four separate sections.
Building Utility Performance Table:
This table details the utility breakdown for each of the end use categories associated with the PRM
analysis and includes electricity, fossil fuels and any renewables.
The report also displays the total energy associated with electricity and fossil fuels.
Building Energy Performance Table:
This table details an energy breakdown for each of the end use categories associated with the PRM
The report also displays the total site energy calculated.
Building Energy & End Use Summary Table - Electricity:
This table shows a detailed breakdown of the monthly performance of each of the PRM end use
categories for all electric meters.
The annual electricity energy is also shown for each end use and summed to give the total annual
electrical energy.
Note: The total column in this report may not be the sum of end uses; any excess generated
electricity (negative total) is assumed to be exported
Building Energy & End Use Summary Table – Fossil Fuel:
This table shows a detailed breakdown of the monthly performance of each of the PRM end use
categories for all fossil fuel meters.
The annual fossil fuel energy consumption is also shown for each end use and summed to give the
total annual fossil fuel energy consumption.