
Database Path & Filters Dialouge Box


Database Path Dialogue Box

This dialogue box allows you to edit the list of custom paths (including UNC network paths such as "\\server\c\lighting\") that are searched for lighting database files. The system files (in the "lights" folder below the IES installation folder) and the project files (in the "lights" folder below your project folder) are loaded by default. The custom files are loaded according to the set of paths that you may edit here. You may make a particular set of paths always available by editing "autoexec.bat" to add a line beginning "set FLUCS=" followed by a list of folder paths, separated by semicolons, e.g.:
set FLUCS="C:\Program Files\IES\apps\lights\osram";"C:\Program Files\IES\apps\lights\Philips"
 (This example would produce the set of paths shown in the diagram).
Custom Database Paths List
This list shows the list of custom database folder paths in effect.
Allows you to browse for another folder to add to the database path.
Allows you to remove the selected folder from the database path.

Filters Dialogue Box

This dialogue box allows you to set the filters that are applied to the lighting database data for display purposes. It is useful if you have a large list of luminaires or lamps and wish to see a more relevant subset. Note filters do not affect the accessible data - only what is displayed in the various dialogue boxes.
Luminaire Use Categories List
Lists the luminaire use categories from which none, one, or more may be selected. The luminaire category is a form of classification, so that particular types of luminaire can be reviewed more easily. See Luminaire use categories for a list of available categories.
Luminaire Manufacturers List
The manufacturer name is the second form of luminaire classification so that the review procedure can be used more easily. The manufacturer is represented by a descriptive name. See Luminaire manufacturers for a list of available names, but any additional strings can be entered in the box below.
Other Luminaire Manufacturers
Enter full or partial manufacturer names if they are not available in the list above. Each name should be entered on a new line by pressing the Return key.
Description Contains This Text
Enter text here for a case-insensitive match with the text in the luminaire description. If you know a word in the description, this will make your search much more efficient.
Lamp Type Categories List
Lists the lamp-type categories from which one may be selected. The lamp-type category is a form of classification, so that particular types of lamp can be reviewed more easily. See Lamp type categories for a list of available categories.
Lamp Manufacturers List
The manufacturer name is the second form of lamp classification so that the review procedure can be used more easily. The manufacturer is represented by a descriptive name. See Luminaire manufacturers for a list of available names, but any additional strings can be entered in the box below.
Other Lamp Manufacturers
Enter full or partial manufacturer names if they are not available in the list above. Each name should be entered on a new line by pressing the Return key.
Description Contains This Text
Enter text here for a case-insensitive match with the text in the lamp description. If you know a word in the description, this will make your search much more efficient.
Project Check Box
Select this option to include the project database path (the "lights" folder below your project folder) in the filter.
System Check Box
Select this option to include the system database path (the "lights" folder below the folder where the IES software is installed) in the filter.
Custom Check Box
Select this option to include the custom database paths (the folders specified using the database path command or by the environment variable "FLUCS") in the filter.
Clear All Search Filters Button
Allows you to reset all filters to the default state (i.e. no filters are in effect).

Select System Databases Dialogue Box

This dialogue box appears when you press the Select System Databases button on the Review dialogue box or the Select Light Fitting dialogue box.
Using this you can easily select which system databases to load. Click to select an individual item. Use Ctrl and click together to change the selected status of a particular item without changing that of other items – so you can use this to add or remove items from the list of selected items. Note that some of the databases are always loaded, but the manufacturer-specific databases are mostly selectable using this mechanism. (Tip: You may even place your own databases in the system folder, as long as they have unique names. If the last 17 characters of the name are “(always load).db2” it will be always loaded.)