
Create Slice, Scale & Extrude

Create slice
This option allows a user to create a 2D dxf file by a slice through a selection of spaces.
The slice can be created in PLAN, FRONT or RIGHT views.
The cutting plane is defined using the slider which operates from the minimum active level to the maximum.
You can flood fill the areas (takes object colour) and add space names.
For best results use inner volumes.
The image can be copied to clipboard
The following window indicates the display.
A cutting plane is selected and ‘Create Slice’ selected. You will then be prompted to save the dxf file.
Scale selected openings
Anchor point         
This is the point from where the opening(s) will be expanded or shunk from.  This is relative to the inner-surface of the space containing the opening(s).
Scaling options
We can chose to expand or shrink the opening(s) by a percentage of the original dimensions or by an absolute value.
Scale the opening as a percentage of its current size.
Scale the opening by a set distance in X and Y planes.
Scale Selected Openings Example
Consider the following 5mx5mx5m box space with a single 1m² window in the centre of one surface.
To expand the window width by 100% and height 50% from the centre point we  would use the following settings:
To increase the size by the same amount but keep the original sill height we would use these settings:
Extrude along a path
It is possible to create a SECTION from any plane drawn in ModelIT and use this SECTION to define a shape along a PATH drawn in PLAN view.
A.    Select a space and move down into it
B.    Select a plane (here we have selected the floor)
D.    Move back up to model level
E.    Ensure you are in PLAN view
F.     KEYIN: “PATH”
G.    Select the SECTION to use
H.    Draw the PATH you wish to follow
I.       When complete click “Create Shape” button
J.     Shape is created following defined PATH
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