
Configuring Columns & Tabs

The easiest way to manage the columns displayed in the current tab, and to manage the tabs available in the current tab group, is via the Configure window. You can access this either by selecting the Columns… item in the Tabular Space Data Tab menu, or by clicking the Configure columns and tabs link on the side panel.
The window consists of two tabs – one for managing the columns in the active tab, and one for managing the tabs in the active tab group.

Managing Columns

You can manage the columns in the active tab using this window – the name of the tab is indicated at the top. The right-hand list shows the columns currently included in the tab, while the left-hand list shows all other columns that are available. Due to support for viewing the same column in different variant building models, the list of available columns is large – you can filter it to only show you the columns for a particular model variant by using the Show dropdown above the list.
An additional text filter is available below the list – you can enter some or all of a column name to limit the left-hand list to only show those items containing the text.
Adding Columns to a Tab
To add one or more columns to a tab, simply select the relevant columns in the left-hand list and either:
-          Click the Add button. If no columns are selected in the right-hand list, the new columns will be added after the last existing column. If one or more columns are selected in the right-hand list, the new columns will be added immediately before the first selected column.
-          Drag the selected columns from the left-hand list to the right-hand list. When you drag the new columns over an existing column in the right-hand list, the column under the mouse will highlight – this indicates that the new columns will be added immediately before the highlighted column.
Removing Columns from a Tab
To remove one or more columns from a tab, simply select the relevant columns in the right-hand list and either:
-          Click the Remove button, or press the Delete key.
-          Drag the selected columns from the right-hand list to the left-hand list.
Reordering Columns in a Tab
To reorder the columns in the tab, simply select one or more of the columns in the right-hand list and either:
-          Click the Move Up or Move Down buttons as appropriate. Note that when the first selected item is at the top of the list, the Move Up button will be disabled. Likewise, when the last selected item is at the bottom of the list, the Move Down button will be disabled.
-          Drag the selected columns within the right-hand list. When you drag the columns over an existing column in the list, the column under the mouse will highlight – this indicates that the first set of contiguous selected columns will be moved immediately before the highlighted column.
For example, the following images show the result of moving the Floor Area, Floor Lettable Area and Floor Circulation Area columns to the position of the General Template column:
Locking Columns
You can lock one or more columns to the left of the grid within a tab so that they will always be visible, even if you have to horizontally scroll to the right. To lock one or more columns, select them in the right-hand list and click the lock button – if you select one or more columns that are already locked, clicking the lock button will unlock those columns.
NOTE: Locking of columns is only supported in VE2014 Feature Pack 2 or later.
Reverting Column Changes
If you have made modifications to the column configuration in the right-hand list but wish to cancel your changes, click the Reset button underneath the right-hand-list. This will restore the list to its last saved state and will allow you to restart modifications to the column configuration.

Managing Tabs within a Tab Group

You can manage the tabs within the active tab group using the second tab of the Configure dialog – the name of the tab group is indicated at the top. The right-hand list shows the tabs currently included in the tab group, while the left-hand list shows all other tabs that are available.
As with column management, you can filter the left-hand list by entering part or all of a tab name to help find the tab you are interested in.
Adding Tabs to a Tab Group
To add one or more tabs to the active tab group, simply select the relevant tabs in the left-hand list and either:
-          Click the Add button. If no tabs are selected in the right-hand list, the new tabs will be added after the last existing tab. If one or more tabs are selected in the right-hand list, the new tabs will be added immediately before the first selected tab.
-          Drag the selected tabs from the left-hand list to the right-hand list. When you drag the new tabs over an existing tab in the right-hand list, the tab under the mouse will highlight – this indicates that the new tabs will be added immediately before the highlighted tab.
Removing Tabs from a Tab Group
To remove one or more tabs from the active tab group, simply select the relevant tabs in the right-hand list and either:
-          Click the Remove button, or press the Delete key.
-          Drag the selected tabs from the right-hand list to the left-hand list.
Reordering Tabs in a Tab Group
To reorder the tabs in the active tab group, simply select one or more of the tabs in the right-hand list and either:
-          Click the Move Up or Move Down buttons as appropriate. Note that when the first selected item is at the top of the list, the Move Up button will be disabled. Likewise, when the last selected item is at the bottom of the list, the Move Down button will be disabled.
-          Drag the selected tabs within the right-hand list. When you drag the tabs over an existing tab in the list, the tab under the mouse will highlight – this indicates that the first set of contiguous selected tabs will be moved immediately before the highlighted column.
For example, the following images show the result of moving the System and Air Exchanges tabs to the position of the General tab:
Reverting Tab Group Changes
If you have made modifications to the tab configuration in the right-hand list but wish to cancel your changes, click the Reset button underneath the right-hand-list. This will restore the list to its last saved state and will allow you to restart modifications to the tab configuration.

Applying or Cancelling Configuration Changes

Once you have made changes to the column and/or tab set-up using the Configure dialog, simply click the OK button (or press RETURN) to apply the changes and close the dialog – the data grid will then be refreshed to reflect your new column and tab group configuration. Alternatively, you can use the Apply button to apply the changes without closing the dialog – this will allow you to make further changes to either the column configuration or to the active tab group.
Alternatively, if you wish to cancel any changes you have made to both the column configuration and the tab group, simply click the Cancel button (or press ESC). Note that if you have previously clicked the Apply button, only changes made since that point will be cancelled.