
Condensation analysis

This facility allows you to perform a condensation analysis on the currently selected construction. It is accessed either from the Calculations menu option Condensation analysis  or by a button on the construction editing dialog.
Before condensation analysis can be carried out, all layers of the construction must be assigned a vapour resistivity. You will be prompted to supply any missing values:
Edit boxes (with spin buttons)
Conditions on each side of the construction can be specified:
Ext. T:        The external air temperature to be used in the analysis
Ext. RH:      The external air relative humidity to be used in the analysis
Int. T:         The internal air temperature to be used in the analysis
Int. RH:      The internal air relative humidity to be used in the analysis
If condensation is predicted, a chart is displayed showing the variation of the following variables through the construction:
VP:                                         Vapour pressure
Dry Bulb Temp.:                   Dry bulb temperature
Sat. VP:                                 Saturated vapour pressure
A blue dot indicates where condensation occurs.
Toolbar icons
Copy to clipboard:               Copy the condensation chart to the clipboard.
Save condensation chart:    Save the condensation chart as a bitmap file.
Print condensation chart:   Print the condensation chart.
Text representation:            Display the results in text form (with options to copy and print).