
Assign DHW Demand to DHW Zones IECC

  Once DHW zones have been created and spaces have been assigned the user has three choices:
1.     Assign DHW loads on a zone basis
2.     Assign DHW loads on a room basis
3.     A combination of (1) & (2)
As the associated help text in the navigator explains this means that certain actions are relevant depending on the route chosen.
This action facilitates the assignment of loads at zone level and room level.
Zone level:
Via the DHW Zones tab edit view, the user should set the demand source to ‘Demand set at DHW Zone level’ for the relevant zones.
The selection of this demand source then requires further inputs by the user through this tab edit view, namely:
·     Consumption pattern
·     Consumption
·     Pattern of use Profile
Room level:
If the demand source is set to ‘DHW demand from spaces’ then the zone load is calculated by the sum of the space loads attached to that zone. The action ‘Populate Space DHW Properties’ is used later in the workflow to populate this space data if necessary.