
ASHRAE Baseline Constructions

Step 1: The user must first select the Building Type (residential, Non-residential or semi heated)
Step 2: Subsequently both Opaque & Fenestration construction category types must then be selected from the provided drop down boxes. By pushing the ‘ok’ button pre-defined construction materials will then be imported into the ApCdb construction data base manager, with default values corresponding to the relevant ASHRAE Climate Zone requirements.
Figure 1 - Baseline Construction Type Selector Dialog Box
Note: If a US climate zone location has been selected back in the ‘site, location & climate’ step the relevant ASHRAE 90.1 baseline construction will be automatically imported into the ApCdb construction data base manager’.
Manual edits must be made to the baseline ground floor construction type in order to account for ground contact factor, see below;
The ground floor contact U-value adjustment interface should be populated accordingly.
For further information refer to the “Apache Cdb User Guide”.