
Appendix C: Lodging on the Scottish EPC Register

The Section 63 functionality within the VE allows the production of draft Action Plans following assessment of a model. However, it is only when the Action Plan is lodged on the Scottish EPC Register that it is valid.
Note that whenever the draft Action Plan PDF is created, a corresponding XML file is also created – it is this XML file which is lodged on the Scottish EPC Register site to generate the real Action Plan.
To find the XML for lodgement:
1)      Complete the generation of the draft Action Plan using Section 63 mode in VE Compliance
2)      Open the Action Plan in your PDF viewer by clicking the View Action Plan button.
3)      At the top-left of the Action Plan, take note of the Action Plan RRN value – this will be a 20-digit number, separated by hyphens:
4)      In the VE, select View Results Folder from the Building Compliance menu
5)      A Windows Explorer window will open at the Regs\Section6_2015\Apache\S63 directory for the project (this is where the Action Plan is stored)
6)      Look for the XML file that corresponds to the Action Plan RRN number (ignore any that start with an underscore – this is a backup from a previous assessment):
7)      Visit http://www.scottishepcregister.org.uk , log in and follow the instructions there to upload this XML file as a Section 63 Action Plan. Once lodged, the final Action Plan PDF can be downloaded (if desired).

[1] System Controls tab of UK NCM Wizard within Apache Systems
[2] Heating System tab of UK NCM Wizard within Apache Systems
[3] Heating tab within Apache Systems
[4] Building Regs tab within Building & System Data (EPC mode) - note that this cannot be done manually in the scenario.
[5] Hot Water tab within Apache Systems