
ApacheHVAC Results

To view ApacheHVAC results in VistaPro, the ApacheHVAC link must be selected on the Apache Simulation dialog and ApacheHVAC system results must be selected in Output Options:
In Vista, select Systems in the Model browser, then the ApacheHVAC system will be visible as the last System in the list, called ‘ApHVAC: <asp file>’. Selecting this will give you a view of the ApacheHVAC network schematic.
The asp filename will be appended to the Vista filename in the title bar.
Component Variables
This is the default mode and is entered by choosing ‘HVAC – Select Components’ from the interrogation dropdown list.
Results can be viewed for only a subset of all the ApacheHVAC components on airside or plant water loops, namely coils, fans and rooms. Those components for which results are available are listed in the browser and selectable either there or on the schematic. Other components on the schematic are not selectable.
As in ApacheHVAC itself, multiple components can be selected by drawing a rectangle, or by using Ctrl-click.
For room components, all the room variables are applicable. For coil and fan components the only variable that is applicable is “Air Enthalpy addition”, which represents the load across the component.
Node Variables
This mode is entered by choosing ‘HVAC – Select Nodes’ from the interrogation dropdown list. Nodes represent ducts in the network, and appear as numbers (10, 20, 30…). A long duct will have its node number repeated at each end.
Nodes appear only on the schematic and not in the browser.
To select a node simply click on or near its number, or anywhere on the duct. In a complex network you may find that you have to select within the nearest component, rather than on the node number, to home in on the right node.
As for components, multiple nodes can be selected by drawing a rectangle, or by using Ctrl-click.
The variables that are available for Nodes are: Mass Flow, Air Temperature, Moisture Content, CO2 Concentration, Volume Flow, Wet-bulb Temperature and Relative Humidity.
Multiplex Results
Results of any Multiplexed ApacheHVAC system can be viewed in Vista as normal.  Select Components or Nodes within the Multiplex to view detailed results. Click within the Multiplex then change the Layer dropdown to the layer you are interested in.
To view the results for multiple layers on the same graph use the Lock Variables tool then switch layer.  Lock the results for as many layers as required in this way.