
8.5.1 Menu Item: Simulate > Begin

Initiates the simulation procedure, and allows you to record the simulation to hard disk (recommended) to be played back for later viewing.
The simulation of large numbers of people can take a long time (sometimes many hours), depending on the speed of your PC. If you are simulating the evacuation of a large, crowded population you may need to let the calculation run overnight or at a weekend, and then play back the recorded evacuation at a later time. Note that the playback files can become very sizeable for large populations. For example if 200 people leave within 2 minutes, then the playback file may only be 3 - 5 Mb, but if you are modelling the movement of thousands of people the playback may be greater than 50Mb.
As the evacuation progresses, you will see people progressing towards exits, in simulated movement steps of 0.1 seconds. The number of people and simulation time are updated every 0.1 seconds in the Information Window. Refer to the function keys section for additional viewing and pausing procedures during the simulation process.