
7.1 Review Results Summary

This two page report presents a summary of the results in a standard IES format. The report contains the following sections:
·        Project details
o   Project name
o   Project address
o   Date
o   Contact person
o   Company
o   Telephone number
o   City
o   Weather file used
·        Space summary
o   A list of space functions along with their conditioned, unconditioned and total floor areas
·        Advisory Messages:
o   Number of hours heating loads were not met for proposed and standard models and the difference
o   Number of hours cooling loads were not met for proposed and standard models and the difference
o   Number of warnings for the proposed and standard models
o   Number of errors for the proposed and standard models
·        An advisory statement of the compliance result based on TDV comparison
·        Energy Results:
o   Energy consumption for each end use for both the proposed and standard model
o   Electricity in MWh and Gas in kBtu/h
o   A comparison of the proposed and standard energy consumption for each end use
o   A comparison of the total proposed and standard energy consumption
·        TDV Results:
o   TDV for each end use for both the proposed and standard model
o   A comparison of the proposed and standard TDV for each end use
o   A comparison of the compliance total TDV for the proposed and standard (Compliance Total) and a colored indication of pass/fail
o   A comparison of the total TDV for the proposed and standard (including receptacle equipment)