
6 Rooms and Spaces

Within the Revit model you must make sure to have a room or space assigned to all areas within the building envelope.  This includes lifts, stairwells, risers and floor/ceiling voids (if required dependent on design stage/analysis), ensuring there are no air gaps within the model. Not adhering to this will result in external air gaps to internal areas of the building model and rooms missing from the model leading to inaccurate results.
Image from Autodesk Revit – Space Flooding the area to its boundaries as required.
When placing a room or space into your model, if you are presented with the warning below, then the boundary of that area in the model will need to be addressed for gaps.  You should be achieving the space fill flooding the whole area to its boundaries. (Example image above).
Image from Autodesk Revit – Error placing the Room or Space into the model.
Once your model is complete you should have a floor plan similar to the images below depending on whether you are choosing to export rooms or space.
Revit Model With Rooms Placed
Revit Model With Spaces Placed