Index Methods Defined Here

get_adjacencies() ->  list
Returns a list of VEAdjacency objects for the surface.
get_areas() ->  dictionary
Returns the various area values for the surface (all in m2 units)
area type
total_gross, total_net, total_window, total_door, total_hole, total_gross_openings.
internal_gross, internal_net, internal_window, internal_door, internal_hole,
internal_gross_openings, external_gross, external_net, external_window, external_door,
external_hole, external_gross_openings
get_constructions()  ->  list
Returns a list of construction IDs (string) used in the surface (including the constructions assigned to any openings in the surface.
get_openings() -> [openings]
    Returns a list of openings (VEGeometry objects)
get_opening_by_id() -> opening
    Returns the opening associated to the id (VEGeometry object)
get_opening_totals() ->  dictionary
Returns the number of openings of each of the following types:
openings, doors, holes, windows, external_doors, external_holes, external_windows.
get_properties() ->  dictionary (property)
Returns assorted properties of the surface
 (int, id) the aps handle used by the results reader
 (float, m2) surface area
(string) Surface ID
 (degrees from north) angle of orientation, not adjusted for site angle
 (meters) the fixed inner volume offset if it has been set, else construction thickness
 (degrees from horizontal) tilt angle, where 0 is straight up, 90 = vertical.
 (string) representation of type attribute
move(distance)  ->  list
    Moves the surface by the distance provided.