Index Methods Defined Here

air_exchanges() -> list
Returns a list of all defined air exchanges as AirExchange objects.
apache_systems() -> list
Returns a list of all defined Apache Systems as VEApacheSystem objects.
archive_project(destination, full) -> list
Archive the current project.  Destination parameter (string) gives path + filename of the resulting CAB file archive.  Pass True for full to include result files, False to exclude these large files.
casual_gains() -> list
Returns a list of all defined casual gains as CasualGain objects.
create_profile(type, reference, modulating, units) -> profile
Creates a new (empty / default) profile of the specified type.
(bool, optional [default = True]) True for a modulating profile, False otherwise
(string, optional) name for profile
(string) one of the following values:
'daily', 'weekly', 'yearly', 'compact', 'freeform'
(int, optional [default = -1 (none)]) 0 for metric, 1 for IP or -1 for none
daily_profile(profileID) -> profile
Takes a profile ID string, and returns the corresponding daily profile as DailyProfile object, or None if ID was invalid.
daily_profiles([profileIDs]) -> dictionary
Takes a list of profile ID strings and returns a dictionary of corresponding DailyProfile objects, keyed by profile ID.
register_content(path, category, displayString, notification)
Register a file with Content Manager using category and display strings.  Pass True for notification to have a notification displayed, False to add silently.
Remove a file from Content Manager.  No effect if the file does not exist in the Content Manager database.
get_display_units() -> DisplayUnits
Get the current VE unit display settings.
get_macro_flo_opening_by_id(openingID) -> opening type
Takes an opening ID and returns the corresponding Macroflo opening type.
get_macro_flo_opening_types() -> [opening types]
Returns a list of all defined Macroflo opening types.
get_version() -> string
Returns the version of the VE in the form of major.minor.revision.yy.  The major version will indicate the primary release cycle, the minor version which feature pack level.    The revision number indicates hotfix number.
group_profile(profileID) -> profile
Takes a profile ID string, and returns the corresponding group profile as a VEProfile object.
group_profiles([profileIDs]) -> dictionary
Takes a list of profile ID strings and returns a dictionary of corresponding VEProfile objects, keyed by profile ID.
profiles() -> ({daily},{group})
Returns a tuple containing dictionaries of daily and group profiles. 
Each tuple entry is a dictionary of key=profile ID, value=VEProfile object.
save_profiles() -> Bool
If profiles have been altered using VEProfile set_data method, the result won’t be commited to the project until this method is called.  The exception is saving a free form profile, which takes effect immediately and is irrevocable.
thermal_templates(assigned = True, allow_ncm = False) -> dictionary
Returns a dictionary of VEThermalTemplate objects, keyed by template handle.  Pass assigned = False to return all, or True (default) to only get the templates in use.  Pass allow_ncm = True to include NCM profiles, False (default) to allow all profile types.