Index Detailed Data Description

Daily profile
a list of [ x, y, formula ] lists that represent the data for the profile. 
x: time of day
y: value for time of day (0 if a formula is used)
formula: empty string if no formula is used, else the formula for that time value
Weekly profile
a list of daily profile IDs (strings) that make up the weekly profile.
Yearly profile
a list of lists: [ weekly profile ID, fromDay, toDay ]
weekly profile ID: the weekly profile ID for this time period
fromDay: year day where the profile becomes active (ie day 1 to 365)
toDay = last day of profile (ie day 1 to 365)
Compact profile
a list of time periods. 
Each time period is defined as:
[ [toDay, toMonth], entry, entry, entry ]
Where an entry consts of the following list items:
        [ InUse, startHour, startMinute, endHour, endMinute ]
InUse: True / False Bool
StartHour, startMinute: 0-23, 0-59 for the start time  (24:00 is permitted and equal to 00:00)
EndHour, endMinute: 0-23, 0-59 for the end time  (24:00 is permitted and equal to 00:00)
Free form profile
list of lists: [ month, day, hour, minute, value ]
Note! You must call load_data() before the data is available.  Failure to call load_data() will return only a dummy start/end node.