Index Methods Defined Here

Get the layer ID
    Get the material of this CDB layer as a formatted string. Units are converted to local display preferences.
    Pass in true for an opaque layer, false for a glass layer.
get_review_summary_string(is_opaque, u_value_type (optional))
Get a summary of this CDB layer as a formatted string. Units are converted to local display preferences.
The result depends on the optional U value type parameter of type uvalue_types.
If no parameter is specified the U value type set in the Project Constructions dialog is used.
get_properties(u_value_type (optional))
Get a dictionary of CDB layer data.
The result depends on the optional U value type parameter of type uvalue_types.
If no parameter is specified the U value type set in the Project Constructions dialog is used.
Dictionary entries are:
convection_coefficient (W/m2K)
resistance (m2K/W)
thickness (m)
     Set properties of this CDB layer via a dictionary.
     Possible dictionary entries are:
convection_coefficient (W/m2K)
resistance (m2K/W)
thickness (m)