
5 Heat rejection systems

NECB performance requirements for heat rejection equipment are aligned with the requirements of ASHRAE 90.1.
NECB-2017 Article
Unitary and packaged HVAC equipment shall comply with table
NECB-2017 Article
Standalone heat rejection equipment shall comply with table
NECB-2017 Article
NECB requires that cooling towers attached to water cooled chillers have an Inlet and outlet water temperatures of 35°C and 29°C respectively, and an inlet outside air wet bulb temperature of 24°C.
These have been provided by default in the heat rejection parameters of the NECB chilled water loop. 
The standard also requires the reference building design condenser water pumping has to be constant speed and consider a 6°C temperature drop. Again, this has been provided by default.  As with the hot and cold water pumps the power demand is dictated by the performance of the pumping in the proposed as per NECB-2017 Article
The cooling tower fan power will have to be manually entered by the user.[RQ3]