
5.4.1 Load

When loading in previous results for Solar Analysis you will be presented with the dialog below which gives you two options: Simple and Advanced.
Simple mode:
This option will list all cab files under your current project’s SunCast/Analysis folder. These cab files are generated by the Solar Analysis save feature (see Section 5.4.2: Save for more details). Simply select the cab file you want to load and click OK. This will load in the results and display the model contained within the cab file.
Advanced mode:
This option allows you to specify, separately, the Geometry (.gsk), the Shading (.shd), and Apache (.aps) files to apply. The Geometry files listed (if any) will be all the ones under the SunCast subfolder that were created automatically when the simulation was run. The Shading files listed (if any) will be all the ones under the SunCast project subfolder. The Apache files listed (if any) will be all the ones under the Vista project subfolder that contain External incident solar flux data. (Please refer to the Apache Simulation > Output Options documentation for more details.). Using this option is not recommended unless you know what you’re doing, and is mainly for when you haven’t run Solar Analysis before but have results you could use. Once you have selected the Shading and Apache files you want to load, basic checks will be performed on the files - against the model and each other - to see if they can be used. Please note, due to the simplicity of the checks, it is possible that invalid data could be applied to your model. You should always try to use the Solar Analysis save feature and load the results back in from the cab file, using the simple option, as they’re guaranteed to match the model.
Once you have loaded the results, you can then visualize them as normal. The UI will be marked as below indicating you are using loaded results/model to avoid any confusion.
Please note if you make any changes to the simulation options, the Simulate button will become available, and if you click on Simulate, the loaded results (and model) will be deleted and your current model will be used to perform the analysis calculations as normal. You will get this warning beforehand.
Unfortunately, there is no way to make changes to the previously loaded results/model.