
5.3 Distance Map

You can display the 'distance map' by selecting 'DistMap » Display' & return to normal view by just selecting the same menu item a second time. The distance map represents a mesh of squares 0.2m x 0.2m in size which is spread over the entire building space. The value of distance-to-exit from the centre of each square is calculated by Simulex. The distance values are shaded in bands of 1 metre, which results in the display of 'distance contours' throughout the building. When a person tries to find a way out of the building then he/she heads at right angles to these contours.
There are a number of functions that you can test out. Just test out different menu items, and have a go. Note that the main principle of constructing a model of a building is to attach different planes together with 'Links'. Look closely at the sample before trying to change the links.