
5.2 Simulation Setup

Setting up your simulation is easy and comes with a range of options as seen below.
The first option lets you choose your desired simulation period. This can be a full year, a single month, a single day, or a specific date range.
The next option is whether or not you want to take into account diffuse shading factors when running your simulation. This will make your Energy Analysis results more accurate however, it comes at the cost of increasing your simulation time. The Exposure Analysis is not affected by this output but the option is still there in case you want to then go on and perform Energy Analysis.
The last option allows you to get a more detailed analysis and visual result by slicing up your building’s façade into grid cells of a specified size. Again, this option comes at the cost of increasing your simulation time. Below is an example with the hi-resolution grid option turned off and on respectively. As of VE2016 you can choose to slice up your whole building (as before), just the walls, or just the roofs.
Once results have been generated they can be saved and opened again later (see Section 5.4 Results Persistence)).