
5.1.2. Assigning Surfaces

The Assign button on the surface properties tab is used to change the construction assignment of selected spaces or surfaces depending on the current level of decomposition. Switch to an axonometric view before using this so that the assignment view also shows an axonometric view.
In the Select Construction Category box, the required Category is selected, and the assigned construction types will appear in the box below it. These are types assigned in the model. As each type is selected, the preview of the model will be shown in red to indicate where this construction type is in use. In the bottom box, the user can select a replacement for the construction type selected in the middle box. The Replace button will make the required change. The APcdb button will start APcdb if needed.
The Set Surface Display Colour button will open the window below where colours can be chosen to display selected and un-selected surfaces. The default colours are red and black respectively.