
4 The Project Files

The following project files can be downloaded as a zip which contains the following:
·        1floor: The project file (1floor.spj) contains the Simulex information for a single-storey building, the route-map and the population. The playback file (1floor.slx) is a pre-recorded playback file of a sample population leaving the single-storey building which you can access by using the menu Simulate > Playback. The results output from this evacuation are stored in 1floor.txt. To view these results, you will need to open the files with any word processor or text editor.
·        2floors: The project file (2floors.spj) contains information which defines a simple 2-storey building. The playback file (2floors.slx) contains a pre-recorded evacuation file, and the results are stored in 2floors.txt.
·        college: The project file (college.spj) contains information which defines a more complex 2-storey college building. The playback file (college.slx) contains a pre-recorded evacuation file, and the results are stored in college.txt.