
4.3.7 Set Number of Floors

The Set Number of Floors option can be found in the navigator under Preliminary Data Setup in the location shown below. This dialog helps the user to identify and set spaces to the appropriate building Storey. This is an important step in the Title 24 compliance and impacts subsequent sections within the navigator.
Once selected, the number of building floors can be set in the Browser window.
Set Number of Floors
By default, on selection this sets the browser to “Storeys” as shown below. The user is first required to identify and enter each building floor in Room Groups under the Storeys Grouping Scheme by selecting the   (CREATE AND EDIT SPACE GROUPS) button in the Model browser
Grouping Schemes and Room Group set up
The user can then move a room to its appropriate Room Group by the drag and drop operation within the Model browser or via the  (ASSIGN SELECTED ROOM TO ROOM GROUPS) button.
Space to Story assignment