Index Project Information

To access the Project Information screen as shown below, click the “Set Building Data” in the navigator and select the “Project” tab. This tab will be open by default once the Set Building Data button is clicked.
Building Data (Project)
Input summary for the Project screen:
·        Project Name: Name used for the project, if one is applicable
·        Relocatable Public School Building (checkbox): If yes, check the box
·        Gas Type: Selection of fuel used on site (other than electricity)
·        Appliance Standards: Compliance 2019 (this is fixed and cannot be changed currently)
·        Total Floors: This represents the total number of storeys in a building. Includes both above grade storeys and any below grade storeys. The total number of storeys, as displayed on the Building Data > Project tab, is calculated based on the number of “Room Groups” in the “Storeys” grouping scheme. The user should create a separate room group for each floor of their model and assign all spaces of a floor to the appropriate room group. Please refer to the ModelIT User Guide available in the IESVE Support User Guide section of the IESVE website (found HERE) for details on how to use “Room Groups”.
·        Compliance Type: Type of compliance analysis
o  NewComplete: An all new, completely specified building. The building design includes the building envelope, lighting systems and HVAC systems. The proposed simulation model is based on user input, while the baseline simulation model will include envelope, lighting and HVAC systems that are generated by the software based on the ACM rules.
o  NewEnvelope (not applicable in current version): An all new building with only the envelope design completed. This form of compliance might be used for a speculative office building where design of the lighting and HVAC systems is waiting for tenant input. In this type of compliance, the proposed and baseline simulation models will include lighting and HVAC systems that are generated by the software based on the ACM rules.
o  NewEnvelopeAndLighting (not applicable in current version):  An all new building with the envelope and lighting design completed. This form of compliance might be used for a speculative office buildings where design of the HVAC systems is waiting for tenant input. In this type of compliance, the proposed and baseline simulation models will include HVAC systems that are generated by the software based on the ACM rules.
o  NewEnvelopeAndPartialLighting (not applicable in current version): An all new building with the envelope and part of the lighting design completed. This form of compliance might be used for a speculative office building where design of the lighting systems in tenant spaces and all of the HVAC systems are waiting for tenant input. In this type of compliance, the proposed and baseline simulation models will include HVAC systems that are generated by the software based on the ACM rules. The baseline simulation model will have all lighting generated by the rules, and the proposed model will include lighting systems generated by the rules for those areas where a lighting design has not been specified by the user.
o  NewEnvelopeAndMechanical (not applicable in current version): an all new building with lighting design has been previously approved and approval is now being sought for the envelope and HVAC system. In this type of compliance, the proposed and baseline simulation models will both include lighting based on user input. The proposed model envelope and HVAC system will be based on user input but the baseline will be generated by the software based on the ACM rules.
o  NewMechanical (not applicable in current version): An all new building where the envelope and lighting design has been previously approved and approval is now being sought for the HVAC system. In this type of compliance, the proposed and baseline simulation models will both include envelope and lighting based on user input. The proposed model HVAC system will be based on user input but the baseline will be generated by the software based on the ACM rules.
o  NewMechanicalAndLighting (not applicable in current version): An all new building where the envelope has been previously approved and approval is now being sought for the lighting and HVAC systems. In this type of compliance, the proposed and baseline simulation models will both include the envelope based on user input. The proposed model lighting and HVAC systems will be based on user input but for the baseline these will be generated by the software based on the ACM rules.
o  NewMechanicalAndPartialLighting (not applicable in current version):  An all new building where the envelope and part of the lighting system has been previously approved and approval is now being sought for the remainder of the lighting and all of the HVAC systems. In this type of compliance, the proposed and baseline simulation models will both include envelope and the previously approved lighting based on user input. The proposed model will include the remaining lighting and all HVAC systems based on user input but for the baseline these will be generated by the software based on the ACM rules.
o  ExistingAlteration (not applicable in current version): an existing building where envelope, lighting or HVAC systems are being altered or replaced, with no increase in building floor area. The proposed simulation is based on user input. The baseline simulation model will be based on user input for those portions marked as existing, while new or altered components will be replaced with software generated components based on the ACM rules. The simulation must include all altered portions of the building, as well as all existing, unaltered portions of the building which are served by HVAC systems that also serve altered portions. The simulation models may also include all or part of the remaining existing, unaltered portions of the building.
o  ExistingAdditionAndAlteration (not applicable in current version): An all new addition to an existing building which is also being altered. This is a combination of ExistingAddition plus ExistingAlteration, and the rules for those compliance types apply.
o   ExistingAddition (not applicable in current version): These apply to additions only (new conditioned areas and systems) added to the existing building.
·          AdditionComplete
·          AdditionEnvelope
·          AdditionEnvelopeAndLighting
·          AdditionEnvelopeAndPartialLighting
·          AdditionEnvelopeAndMechanical
·          AdditionMechanical
·          AdditionMechanicalAndLighting
Currently just the NewComplete compliance type is available within the Title 24 Compliance workflow in the Virtual Environment. All other compliance types are not accessible or editable.
·          Documentation Author Info:
·          Company: Documentation Author Organization (input is optional).
·          Name: Documentation Author primary contact name (input is optional).
·          CEA Num: Documentation Author Certified Assessor Number (input is optional).
·          Address / City / State / Zip / Phone: contact details (input is optional).
·          Building Location:
·          Address / City / State (input is optional).
·          ZIP Code (input is required).
The ZIP Code is required to identify the Climate zone and Weather Station ID for use in the project as shown below.
·        Climate Zone: California Climate zone
·        Weather Station: California weather station
This in turn will automatically import the design weather data and simulation weather file into ApLocate.
Building Data (Climate Zone and Weather Station ID)
Information on ApLocate is available in the IESVE Support user guides which is available on the IESVE website HERE.