
4.3.1 Importing Title 24 Templates

Templates to be used for Title 24 compliance are imported into the project by selecting the “Import Title 24 Templates” under the Preliminary Data Setup section in the navigator as shown below. This brings in specific thermal data (loads, set points, schedules etc...) for each space type and construction assemblies as per the information available in the Title 24 standard.
Importing Title 24 Templates
Specific data within the Title 24 templates that are imported into the project can be seen in the Building Template Manager or the Tabular BTM. Information to access and navigate through both can be found in the IESVE Support user guide which is available on the IESVE website HERE.
All schedules that can be assigned in Title 24 Compliance have also been created for the user. These schedules can be interrogated in ApPro. Please refer to the ApPro section in the IESVE Support user guide which is available on the IESVE website HERE.
To proceed it is required to check the tick box on each action (seen to the right) after importing the Title 24 Templates.