
4.2.2. View Parameters

View Parameters lets you set the size of the final image generated (from 400 to 3000 pixels), and choose between different types of views:
·       Perspective: is best when calculating glare occurrence and for visualising a space. Both the eye and the focus position can be defined for this view. The horizontal and vertical angle range can be set between 10° and 120° to define the field of view.
·       Plan: creates an image in plan view. Only the eye position will be available in this view. The horizontal and vertical range is limited to the extents of the selected room(s), plus an additional 0.5m. If the space has a complex shape the generated image may include other zone(s) or part of the exterior.
·       Hemispherical Fisheye:  has a minimum angle of 90° and a maximum angle of 180°. A single angle is defined, rather than horizontal and vertical angles. This is the required view for analysing Daylight Glare Probability in Luminance Images.
·       Angular fisheye: has a minimum angle of 90° and a maximum angle of 360°. A single angle is defined.
Selected view angles and sizes can be fixed by enabling the Lock check box next to them.
The Save button will save the currently displayed View options, i.e. view position and parameters in an .rdv file. The Open button can retrieve any view previously saved in an .rdv file.