
4.1 Overview

In order to start a new project, the user must first prepare basic input into a model that describes their building project. This model is called the UserModel, or Design Model. During the analysis calculation procedure, this model is used to automatically define the two compliance models:
1.    The Proposed Design Model—the Proposed Design model is very similar to the User Model; however, some inputs such as schedules, plug-loads, and others are replaced with prescribed values specified in the NACM.
2.    The Standard (Baseline) Design Model—the Standard Design model is generated according the Standard Design rules in the NACM. Users can think of this model as a hypothetical version of their building if it was designed to just meet the mandatory and prescriptive requirements of the Title 24 (Part 6) standards.
The workflow for preparing the User or Design Model and performing compliance analysis is broken into several steps or actions.
All model input data and analysis procedure takes place directly in the IESVE user interface.
The workflow is illustrated below. Additional details for each step in the workflow are also provided below.