
2.2 Scripting Toolbar

Allows access to basic features of the scripting dialog.   It has the following entries:
Save: drop-down menu (Save current tab, Save As… current tab, or Save All tabs).  When trying to Save the content of a tab that is Untitled (no file name), you will be prompted to select a filename/location.
New: create a new, empty, untitled script file tab
Run: run the script in the current editing window.  If the script was edited, you will be prompted to save it first (shortcut key: F5).
Show the configuration dialog with display options for the Editor
               Python Documentation: takes you to the Python documentation page for Python 3.4.3
               VE Automation API: This document
               Run Debugger (Shift + F5): start the current script in debug mode.
               Pause Debugging (Ctrl + B): pause current running script
               Continue (F5): if paused, continue running the script
               Step In (F11): step execution, going into a function if possible
               Step Over (F12): step execution, do not go into function (execute function in 1 step)      Step Out (Shift + F11): continue execution until we’re out of the current function
               Stop: if running or paused, stop executing the script