
1.3 3rd Party Libraries

The following 3rd party python libraries are available in the VE Python environment:
·        Numpy 1.11.0
·        Scipy 0.17.0
·        Pandas 0.18.1
·        Matplotlib 1.5.1 (+ the Seaborn 0.7.0 formatting package)
·        Dateutil 2.0 (extensions to the standard python datetime module)
·        Docx 0.8.5 (create Word documents)
·        XlsxWriter 0.7.3 (create Excel spreadsheets)
·        Xlrd 0.9.4 (read Excel spreadsheets)
·        Lxml 3.4.4 (xml reader/writer)
·        Pywin32 219 (Windows extensions, including COM interoperability)
·        CoolProp 5.1.1 (thermodynamic and transport properties database)
·        NumExpr 2.4.6 (fast numerical expression evaluator for NumPy)
·        Jinja2-2.8 (templating language)
·        MarkupSafe-0.23 (create XML/HTML/XHTML Markup safe string)
·        Pillow-3.0.0 (Python imaging library)
·        bokeh-0.10.0 (HTML based plotting library, output to file only)
·        requests-2.9.1 (HTTP requests made easy)
·        PyTables-3.2.2 (large dataset support, including HDF5 support for Pandas)
·        Arrow-0.7.0 (better dates and times)
·        ReportLab 3.2 (PDF creation library)
·        Pint 0.7.1 (unit conversion)
·        Six 1.9.0 (Python 2/3 compatibility library)