
17 Ice Making Loads

NECB-2017 Article
Where the proposed building has ice-making loads along with simultaneous heating and/or service water heating loads, the reference building's ice plant shall be modelled with the following characteristics and components:
a) a water-cooled, double-bundle water chiller having 100% heat-recovery capacity, where the energy model calculations do not allow for modelling of the ice plant and/or of heat recovery from the ice plant,
b) operation and performance characteristics, such as efficiency, capacity, part-load performance and pumping flow rates, that are identical to those of the proposed building's machine,
c) peak load and demand schedules that are identical to those of the proposed building, and
d) heat rejection to
i) at least one hydronic system for heating or service water heating, where the system has a load, and
ii) the atmosphere using a cooling tower defined in accordance with Articles and, when the heat rejected is greater than the coincident heating load (see Note A-